CHAPTER 128: Collecting interest (5)

Xing yi frowned as he interjected. "leave that one breathing" he pointed at young master zhou's pale and trembling figure.

"copy that" ancestor Zhuang beamed as his fist landed at young master zhou's face who just let out a breath of relief, he thought ancestor Zhuang won't attack him again.

"young master!" the elder earlier shouted urgently as his figure flashed blocking the next attack for young master zhou's sake.

"hmmp, just you alone" ancestor Zhuang snorted as he waves his fists again for another attack.

The elder was push two meters back, he's also wearing a life preserving armament but even him can't block that single attack alone.

"cough. Cough. Cough" he wipes the blood at the corner of his mouth and stared at ancestor Zhuang profoundly confirming his suspiscion in his mind. "you all! this can't be, how did you managed to breakthrough and lift the heavenly restriction?" he asked incredulously.

He already has a terrifying guess earlier but he quickly brushed of that idea as no one ever managed to step intp that threshold eversince ten thousand years ago and just thought that they were using some sort of treasure to boosts their strengths.

"hehe, we just woke up one fine day and we already advanced to this level" ancestor Zhuang mused teasingly.

Elder zhou was stumped for words but his eyes glint covetously full of greed, seeing the way he looks ancestor Zhuang sneered as he attacks him again full of energy.

Seeing him who fought like fighting a brawl with his bare hands and having so much fun the others didn't took out their weapons as well. At first the elders' confidence boosts like they were injected by chicken blood seeing their actions but after they repeatedly suffer from their punch and kicks they were really feeling fearful right now.

They even have to team up to deal with just one of them. 'thankfully those two frightening people standing over there didn't participate in the fight' the elders thought because even without knowing they have an instinctive fear just seeing this two people with red bear masks on.

"Oh this weaklings. Damnit! Old tian, old si, and old hai don't take all the stronger one at once. leave some for me" he shouted angrily when he saw he was only left with the weaklings who can't even stand one single punch.

"hehe you should take care of them first" ancestor hai said teasingly as he punched one of the elders face who spurted another mouthfuls of blood and laid limply on the ground.

"oh he's still moving old hai, you must have gone rusty" ancestor tian chuckled.

"yeah, your punches seemed cruder and weaker than before" ancestor si also chimed in.

The elders where stunned speechlessly with these old monsters' antics, they were like naughty kids playing with gusto.

If they aren't the opposing party, they really feel like cheering and laughing but right now they can't even let a breath under their barrage of attacks.

Xing yi and xing er's mouth twitch nonstop at the sight.

The fight didn't last long without unexpected. It's really embarrassing to even call it a fight, it's a total bullying.

Seeing the situation against their favor, young master zhou deliberated as he thinks of ways to escape.

Noticing his slowly retreating figure, xing yi flashed as he disappeared on his spot and appeared behind young master zhou.

"where are you going?" xing yi coldly said as young master zhou froze and turn his head stiffly.

He almost spat blood, he didn't think these people with childish masks on were this strong. When he first saw them he was feeling dismissive of them because they look like a joke with that childish masks on.

"hehe, just over t---" before he managed to bluffed around, xing yi hit the back of his head and his vision immediately darkened.