CHAPTER 135: Leaving (4)

Yu yue's mental fortitude is really extraordinary though, after looking at little xi wang pointedly she nodded and forgot to dismissed her people as she leads him towards his courtyard.

Xi lei who was still kneeling look around awkwardly as he stood up after little xi wang permitted him to do so, but he wasn't allowed to follow them so he was standing alone like a monkey in a zoo under everyone's scrutinizing gaze.

When his eyes landed on hua ling, mo ling, and hong mei he was stunned at their familiarity so he smiled affably as he spoke.

"oh it's you three, I can't believe you guys reincarnated as well and still following the third princess" he said excitedly as he went over to their side and started rattling his mouth.

Although he was the overseer of the dark region thousands of milleniums ago, he has one only flaw, he prattled his mouth too much.

"what do you mean?" hua ling frowned. Hong mei and mo ling also look at him strangely.

Xi lei gasp as he covered his mouth. "hehe, I talk too much again. My lord might punish me severely this time" he sighs to himself dejectedly as he ignored the confused people around.

Hua ling's eye's flashed as she remembered his master's words when she was still young. 'go find that person and stay at her side, just trust that person. You'll reunited with the people dear to you soon. Use this compass to find that person and fate shall allow you all to chance upon each other' he said that before sending her away from the sage valley.

She went into a daze as a tear trickeld down her cheeks. "are you fine hua ling?" mo ling asked worriedly seeing her friend tearing so suddenly.

"h-huh?" hua ling was also confused as she touches her wet cheeks, after that her mind went blank as she falls unconscious and scenes from thousands of milleniums ago started flashing in her mind like a dream.

On the other side yu yue calmed herself as she patiently waited for little xi wang to explain himself.

"third sis, this might sound crazy but do you believe in reincarnation?" little xi wang started as he spoke in a small voice. He keeps glancing at her to catch any judgemental expression but he only saw her stunned into a daze and stiffly nodded her head.

She then said something little xi wang never expected. "I reincarnated as well and I remember everything in my past life" she said in a small voice as she pats his head tenderly. She could now understand her little brother's queer personality. She already has a suspicion before but this still shocks her after hearing the truth.

Little xi wang was dumbfounded at her response as he asked with a quivering voice full of anticipation. "did you remember me back then?" his abrupt voice sounded full of hope.

"uhm, I'm the only child in my family. Besides it's from another world" she said while pursing her lips.

Little xi wang's body stiffened as he lowers his head dejectedly. "I see, then it's better that you don't remember the past at all" he murmured to himself and yu yue didn't quite catch that.

"what are you saying? Are you okay? She asked as she kissed his forehead with a tender smile. "besides even If I don't remember you're still my good little brother right?" she said full of warmth.

She thought little xi wang must be taking it really hard so she tried to comfort him.

"hmm, I know" he smiled with affection but his face turns dejected again as he was about to tell her that he would be leaving her side soon. He can't bear to tell her that because she's still sad about her friends' departure but he really can't stay here for too long anymore.

"alright, now tell me what's really going on so I could help you" she smiled reassuringly.

"you can't help me though. Only I can do this by myself" he murmured sadly.

Yu yue's smile froze as she looks at him stiffly.

"why? What is it? is it dangerous?" she frowned with worry. Her heart tightened as if the next thing he would say would make her feel really sad. She already has a hunch but she refused to even think further about it.

"no it's not that, it's just that I need to go somewhere to recover my strength. I might not be able to see you for years" he said hesitantly after seeing her expression keep changing.

"can't I go with you?" she chokes weakly.

"you can't yet, wait until you're strong enough to go to the higher realm. Besides if I get stronger soon I could help mother and father, also I could visit you from time to time once I can open a space void" he said in a small voice as the entire courtyard fell silent.