CHAPTER 187: little cheng shi’s brother (3)

Yue yue look at him for a moment, contemplating whether to reveal her identity. Knowing him so far, she knows he could be trusted so she decided to trust them.

"big brother shu tian, do you know them?" she asked familiarly.

Yu shu tian was dumbfounded, as he stared at her cautiously. "y-you know me? Who are you really?" he stammered as he looks around his team members for a clue but they all shrugged their shoulders.

"hehe, it's me little yu yue. We meet long ago at black forest, the one who give you packets of luring and dispelling powder" she reminded with a laugh. 

"ahhh, It's little yu yue. That's why you seem familiar, anyways why are you guys wearing a mask worn by children in festivals?" he scratched his head sheepishly. He couldn't help it but asked, he already find it ridiculous earlier. If they aren't strong he might laugh out loud. His team members also look at yu yue's group weirdly after their eyes flashed with recognition, they aren't discreet with their thoughts anymore as they are familiar with her.

Behind the mask, xing yi and xing er's face blushed. Lady shan shou and tian shi were just as calm, the designs on their mask don't look childish at all. Only yu yue's white bear and the two's red bear masks were really out of place.


"ahem, just for convenience. Anyways how are you guys related to this people?" yu yue cough to change the topic as she squints her eyes at the flame tiger mercenary team.

"our cloud dragon team and their flame tiger team are rivals in phoenix empire's red cloud city, we accepted a mission and the reward was quite promising. Ji fang's team wants the mission but we got our hands in it first, the mission was to gather a spirit lava stone. Although it is hard to find it isn't located in dangerous places" he divulged a lot of information readily.

"oh right, why did you call them over little yu yue?" he asked with a tinged of confusion.

"oh, I just saw that his weapon was really familiar. Just wanting to asked a few things, besides we just saw them injuring this little cub and sneakily placed it near your resting area" yu yue said meaningfully as she stroke the little cub gently who was sound asleep in her arms.

This time the cloud dragon mercenary team's faces contorted with raged, they finally realized what just happened.




"how venomous!" they all shouted full of anger, their noses flaring with smokes.

"hmmp, this ji fang is truly black hearted. They always clashed with us but they aren't our match" one of the men said.

"how come he managed to set a trap for you guys?" tian shi muttered thoughtfully. She didn't mean anything by that but the cloud dragon mercenary members face all flushed red as they look away a little embarrassed.

"that… he has a special skill that's tricky to deal with. He could hide his presence, that's his specialty. To be sneaky" yu shu tian explained out of embarrassment.

"oh since that is the case then I don't have to be gentle with them" yu yue said coldly as she eyed them.