CHAPTER 213: Little devils (1)

Meanwhile, huang xin lead the phoenix empire's troops to deal with huxian empire. On the other side, jade moon kingdom also leads troops to deal with the jade empire. They all left right after yu yue's group leave.

At the borders of huxian empire, at the northern side of lava mountain forest. Little figures appeared suddenly, huang xin, little shan shan, and the little assassins appeared quietly.

"big brothers, we came here to take down your empire. If you mind giving us way, I would spare your lives" huang xin spoke calmly as she smiled beautifully at them.

The soldiers were stunned speechless, they then immediately started bursting with laughter.

"just you, kids?" one of the soldier pointed as his body quivered, his stomach hurting from laughing so hard.

"hmm. Hmm" huang xin nodded innocently.

"hmmp, audacious" the captain snorted as he sends out a merciless palm strike.

Everyone stood on their place calmly, before the palm strike could hit them han shi's triangular blade that can be used as a shield taller than her blocks the attack.

The captain raised the corners of his mouth as his eyes look at the giant blade-shield with interest, he signaled and the soldiers fired their arrows ruthlessly.

"hmmp, are they trying to tickle this lord?" little phoenix snorted disdainfully as he waves his hands and the arrows instantly turned into ashes.

The soldiers were stunned as they stood in their spots gawking. "get back to your senses!" the captain shouted angrily as he snapped his fingers waking up the stunned soldiers from their daze.

"use the spirit bows, let's see if this audacious kids could block it" he harrumphed, his eyes filled with killing intent.

However, before the soldiers could execute his order they were entangled in vines with lavender flowers. The captain's eyes widened when he saw a mask little girl sitting leisurely at their backs sipping tea. They didn't notice at all.

"Yoho" little yu yi waved her hands smilingly before saying "this tea is terrible" she spat full of disgust.

"c-captain …" the soldiers head buzz as they fall one by one, their limbs lose all senses and they can't move a muscle at all.  Their faces terrified.

The captain's expression also changed, his eyes widened as he lit their signal quickly. With a loud booming sound, the sky exploded with red fireworks.

"oh, that's beautiful" yu er commented as little venus opened its flower bud with sharp teeth, swallowing the captain whole before everyone's eyes. Its body even shook excitedly.

The soldiers laying on the ground motionlessly was full of fear, they could only pray that their comrades could rushed until they were still not digested. Alas, luck wasn't clearly on their sides today as little venus' flower bud sucks them in like sausages with a satisfied burp.

This time, it's not just the captain who shivered from fear. Huang xin jolted from fright, she always thought these little kids are adorable. Now, her eyes looking at them change. 'peh what adorable? These are little devils!' she screamed in her heart.