CHAPTER 231: flying turtle (2)

The bluish crystal vibrated gently while glowing like an orb, at the same time the little island started to shake like there's an earthquake.

"what's going on?" little fatty exclaimed as he holds onto a pair of chicken drumsticks. He was just licking the oil in his lips when the island started slowly rising out of the water, the birds all scattered away to random direction in a fluster.

Everyone quickly leap out of it and landed in the lily leaves, they aren't like shui xian zi who could walk on water. As they turned around they saw a giant black turtle shell floating midair, their hearts stuck in their throats as they froze.

Thankfully, the gigantic black turtle didn't radiate a murderous intent but its majestic aura stuck them rooted unable to move a muscle. Their backs were soak with cold sweats as it glances at them with it's clear limpid eyes curiously. It tilted its head innocently, when its eyes landed on the bluish crystal on shui xian zi's hands it slowly float towards her.

"zi'er!" everyone shouted nervously, zi'er on the other hand just stood there unmoving. Her heart feels nostalgic seeing the giant black turtle, she oddly feels calm facing its majestic and powerful existence.

Before anyone could react the giant black turtle shrugged and the trees started falling off, showing its majestic black shell. It then shrinks itself into palm size and rub its head on zi'ers face full of tenderness after floating around her excitedly until they get dizzy.

"mistress, mistress" it squealed adorably full of delight.

Everyone was stupefied as they look on with colorful expression, they didn't expect this turn of events at all. while they were still in a daze, the black turtle bit zi'ers fingers and it formed a contract with her.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, they aren't sure how to react anymore as their expressions froze stiffly.

"what just happened?" shui xian zi look at them with confusion, their mouths twitch.

"we have no idea just as you don't" xiao'er replied dumbly, her eyes bulging wide.

Huang xin on the other hand was indifferent, she was shocked at first but when she remembered who yu yue was she quickly calmed herself down. This also happened to her with little phoenix before, but she didn't expect that this naive princess is the reincarnation of her, it's too big of a character change.

Now there are only two who isn't found yet, she already suspected who might be the 11th one but it's still unclear as he hasn't awakened yet.

"don't worry, you just formed a contract with this adorable turtle" she said calmly as she went near to touch the little turtle, however before she could do so it avoided her grasps.

"evil woman, no, evil witch" as if scared it hide on shui xian zi's skirt in a sobbing fit while trembling dramatically.

Huang xin froze stiffly, her face twisted into different expressions. Everyone look at her dumbfounded while subconsciously nodding agreeably to the black turtle's words. 

"you all!" she pointed at everyone aggrievedly as she stomped her feet on the lily leaves. She was aggravated.

"pfft! Ahahahahhaha. Dang! that little turtle nailed it." little fatty bellowed with laughter, huang xin has a dark face as she glared at him.

She sulks for days as everyone laugh at her so hard and keeps teasing her until she vomits blood.