CHAPTER 233: heavenly star sect (2)

Hua'er froze as her face turned ashen, "oh no, didn't you guys mentioned before that yu yue is coming here?" she has completely forgotten about this matter. She's been too busy with the corroded corpses these past few months.

"yes second miss. In fact, third miss six forces already arrive in the region. I was about to report to you that they just contacted me today, they were currently establishing another jade moon pavilion. Lady shan shou, lady hua ling, lord yu ling, and lady wang ling should arrived in the sect tonight to assist you as per third miss ordered, lord hong mei, lord feng chen, and lady mo ling would help investigate this matter" xing er replied this time.

"also third miss was able to contact me last night, she just entered the outer areas of green mist forest in the central region. She also reported sightings of black robe men controlling black fogs called death fog cultivated by sinister means." she added with flashed in her eyes.

"what?" hua'er and xue'er was stunned, she's already in the central region. They panicked for a moment, thankfully xing er added something.

"don't worry first miss and second miss, third miss knows how to deal with them. Also, she said that you have to strengthen the barriers around the sect and to refrain the disciples from going out if possible." She added seriously.

"got it, immediately informed us once she arrived" xue'er nodded as she instructed before dismissing the pair of siblings and go back to her research.

Although flame fireflies could allow them to communicate telepathically there's a distance limit, yu yue was only able to contact them once she reached the threshold of central region. Besides flame fireflies are delicate species, they don't have any defensive abilities.

They could only fly short distances as well, their advantages are their extraordinary hearing and their abilities to hide their presence completely, to camouflage with their surroundings and to share their vision with their masters.

The queen could share visions with her subjects and share it to her master, aside from that they look just pleasing to the eyes.

After the death fog incident butler white told her that it could be only stopped using light, death, or dark elements. However, last time he didn't told her as her power of light is not in that level yet. Since then, yu yue cultivated her power of light and her earth element these past few months.

After she received news from xing er she rushed to twin moon sect, today they just exited green mist forest. They decided to find an inn and stay there for the night, while they were talking with the shopkeeper another group of people walk in.

"shopkeeper we would take two rooms please" tian wuxian said politely as he paid with gold coins, the shop keeper accepted his payment with a please smile as he handed the key.

"here's your key young master" he handed with both hands before adding. "if you need something else just get to me" he said with a bow, tian wuxian accepted the key with a polite nod and they started heading upstairs.