CHAPTER 278: I want to follow you (1)

After sheng shi jie took care of the death fog cultivators he only stood still and let them handle the rest. The more he witnessed the more shock he is; this girl surely has many secrets. He always thought that since she's from the lower realm she shouldn't be anything special.

'but how could the woman, I sheng shi jie like be a common girl' he thought smugly with a charming smile.

Yu yue wasn't far from him saw him smiling to himself like a fool gnashed her teeth with envy, she was busy fending for her life yet a certain someone could still afford to daydream.

'It must be really awesome to be powerful, even this cowards of opponents would deliberately avoid him. Hmmp, I'm going to get even stronger than him' she thought as she waves her fan viciously creating pikes to appear from the ground and skewered her opponents.

She didn't want to be too brutal as well, however she can't afford to be merciful when her opponents want her dead.

Fan xing xing was harshly awakened by unexplainable pain all over her body she just so happens to be near yu yue's attack range. "arghhh you bitch!" she howled like a mad woman. Her right leg was pierced by one of the pikes.

"oh, you're still alive. Too bad my pikes didn't pierce you to death" yu yue spat coldly as icicles formed densely right above the furious fan xing xing.

"I swear; I'm going to kill you even after I become a vengeful ghost" she shrieks hysterically before she died as the icicles rained down on her.

Yu yue sneered, if she has the capability then she would wait for her. She still hasn't forgotten how this woman keeps playing tricks. She's long annoyed by her.

Fan xing wasn't only unlucky this time, she has a worth of lifetime's bad luck today as she died without intact corpse and full of grievances.

The five great sect masters were soon beaten into un recognizable shape. They caught them up for interrogation later. Their sects were annihilated the next day, those who surrendered were caught as well. Some people managed to escape but they didn't go after them, those people didn't know anything at all.

After the intense night battle, when the sun rose the next morning the once glorious cloud river city looks like it meets a catastrophe which wasn't far from it. Many people died that night and it quickly spread all over the region. 

Those who were in the city that night was still haunted by nightmares, they were traumatized. Those who weren't there were fearful, it was like that for weeks that the bustling streets in major cities become deserted once night comes. 

After the public investigation conducted by twin moon sect, the others were finally at ease after those people were sentenced to death. Those disciples from the five great sects who were innocent was absorb in twin moon sect. Those who wanted to leave, left on their own.

Those from other sects were thankful and couldn't stop from visiting twin moon sect and sending gifts.