I Wish I Met You Earlier, Ah Sheng!

At first, when Zhao Yu's mission ended and she was called back to her headquarter, she was reluctant to part ways with Lu Yunsheng for reasons she herself couldn't justify.

Where did it go wrong? She had dedicated her entire life slaving away in that organisation, considering it as her home. Killing, looting, smuggling, organ trafficking, prostituting: what crime did she not commit? It was how her life used to be, how she was trained to be. Recently, what contributed to her list was brutally annihilating ten high ranking government officials including two honest military commanders, and decimating a small portion of soldiers simply by poisoning their food by taking advantage of their faith in her.

She was just faking her love for Major General Lu Yunsheng, right? Then why didn't she feel an iota of happiness when their mission was about to be successful, and her so-called relationship with Lu Yunsheng was coming to the end?

Zhao Yu was awarded multi million dollars, and as promised they made all the arrangements to send her away abroad, where she could spend the rest of her life in luxury. However, she didn't feel an ounce of happiness when the lifestyle she had always craved was calling her towards it. Her heart ached in the very thought of parting ways with Lu Yunsheng.

Was it because he taught her a new meaning of home? Despite her ruthlessness and cold heart, she ended up falling deeply in love with him.

Nah! God had another plan for her. Maybe, He was already so fed up with her enormity after enormity that in order to punish her, He made her fall for her enemy.

"Why did you involve yourself in those heinous activities, Yuer? Those government officials were upfront, unbiased and unprejudiced, it was a blessing for our country to have such honest people in authority. However, you killed them as well! Leaking confidential military information to the enemy troop, backstabbing your team, why?!" Lu Yunsheng asked, with sadness and grief lacing his eyes. One side was his love and on the other side was his patriotism.

He was perfectly cognizant about the dreadful punishments written in legislation for the crimes Zhao Yu committed, and it was most definitely not cross-fire. Thus, he couldn't hand her over to the military!

Only heaven knew how many times Zhao Yu wished all of her crimes were just a nightmare.

Zhao Yu felt a pang within her heart, seeing the anguish on his face, soon droplets of salty water fell down from her eyes, as she said, "I wish I met you earlier, Ah Sheng." She held onto his hand, and brought it down to her heart, "Shoot me here, Ah Sheng."

In the end, Lu Yunsheng's patriotism cracked his indecisiveness, with a red nose and misty eyes, he spoke slowly, "Nothing comes before my country, Yuer. Not even you!" his wounded heart started bleeding in the form of tears.

Three consecutive bullet sounds reverberated in the isolated place as they pierced through Zhao Yu's heart making a distinct hole. Fresh crimson blood started gushing out of the hole where bullets went through.

Zhao Yu leaned over Lu Yunsheng's body when her soul was struggling hard to embody her again. She felt some liquid was erupting through her throat to her mouth making it very hard for her to breathe.


With a metallic taste, she knew what it was. "I love you.. Ah Sheng.." Her eyelids were getting heavier, gradually compelling her to fall into deep slumber forever. However, she couldn't close them yet.. little longer..just little longer. She had to hear his reply.

If there was something genuine in Zhao Yu's entire life, it was only her love for this man.

"I love you too Yuer..I really do love you!" Lu Yunsheng didn't even know when his pistol fell down from his hand, as he hugged Zhao Yu's blood soaked body with both hands. Tears were flowing from his eyes like flood from a broken dam. "I am sorry...my love. I couldn't save you from me." He buried her head in his chest as he cried.

"When.. you mar-ry... so-me-o-one else, will you forget me, Ah Sheng?" Zhao Yu tilted her head from Lu Yunsheng's chest, and looked at his eyes, exerting her last bit of energy.

"Stop spouting nonsense! I will never marry anyone else! You are my one and only. Have you heard?!" Unaware of his own tear stricken and runny nose, Lu Yunsheng was wiping the tears on Zhao Yu's face. His usual strong and thick voice was broken like a lonely child abandoned by the world.

Zhao Yu smiled, forgetting the pain in her heart for a moment, "Promise me...you will always love me." She mumbled into her beloved's warm embrace. With a bloody and trembling hand, Zhao Yu caressed her beloved's cheek lovingly for the last time. Her touch was as light as a feather, as it lost its strength already.

"I will always love only you... ALWAYS." Lu Yunsheng's tone was as decisive and determined as ever.

"Now, I can.. rest.. peacefully." With that Zhao Yu closed her eyes leaving a serene smile on her face, as she took her last breath in her beloved's embrace.

"Open your eyes Yuer! Yuer! Talk to me!" Lu Yunsheng was patting on Zhao Yu's cheek frantically, as he asked, "How am I going to live without you?!" His heart was torn brutally, and it ached painfully as he yelled.

If Lu Yunsheng's comrades were to witness this scene, they would be shocked to death. Lu Yunsheng, the most stolid person one could ever see, was crying like an innocent child, holding the love of his life.

His Yuer left! She left for the place of no return, and she would never come back to him ever again. She had left him forever!

In that deserted please, only the man's angozing crying could be heard, splitting air and earth.

The powerful sun started to hide behind the cloud, as it couldn't see Lu Yunsheng's misery anymore, cold wind began blowing, sand mixed with ashes flew everywhere.

Clear blue sky became cloudy and big drops of rain started pouring from above, as if the entire universe was emphasizing with him.