Why Bring The Punch Language On Yourself?

Tang Xi stared at Song Ah Lam with a hint of anger. How could she be so naive and talk about forgiving this scoundrel? Wasn't she a tiny bit aware that if they left him just like that today he would come for them tomorrow as well?

Tang Xi's anger was palpable and her eyes shone with the intent to beat. "It's true that we can't bite a dog, however, we should kick it so hard that it won't dare to come back at us ever again."

"But Xixi..." Song Ah Lam's heart was wrenched up with worry and unease, as she tried to persuade Tang Xi to leave from there.

"We can't. He just tried to molest you, and he did the exact thing to thousands of more girls out there." Fury could barely begin to describe Tang Xi's emotion at that moment. This man just tried to defile her best friend.

According to online rumours, a lot of people tried to press charges of molestation, and some did successfully file lawsuits against Zi Heng and his father. Nevertheless, as they couldn't produce any actual evidence, those cases got dismissed in a short while.

Red Light Club, which was Zi's main source of income, and a few other little business ventures under them had suffered a bit of turbulence recently, as due to the ongoing malicious rumours, people started having doubts regarding the father-son's moral characters.

Apparently these father-son duo allegedly spiked several girls' drinks when they went to party in Red Light Club, carried the drunken girls to a private room, then raped them.

Criticism of Zi also flooded Chinese social media. The 'Zi Father-Son Incident' was no longer entertainment gossip tainted with a peachy atmosphere, but a real legal case.

As majority of the netizen's belief of them were hanging from the thin string, all Tang Xi had to do was foment it a little bit keeping Song Ah Lam's name in the dark.

No matter how rich one is, there shouldn't be any immunity. Money should not be a talisman to protect the culprits from the law!

"Enjoyed what I have just shown? Zi.." Tang Xi paused for a second as she forgot Zi Heng's name. Then again, she wasn't willing to remember his name either, "Zi Whatever, kneel if you don't want another strike."

Zi Heng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger. However, he knew he was in no position to deny lest this she-devil attacks him again. Gulping down his last shred of self-respect, he had to say, "I..am s-orry.."

Tang Xi looked at Song Ah Lam then asked casually, "Did you hear what he said?"

Upon sight of Zi Heng's expression, Song Ah Lam said smugly, "Nope," she then shook her head immediately for more confirmation.


In front of Zi Heng came the voice that started giving him the creeps. Out of his survival instincts, Zi Heng repeated instantly, "I'm sorry!"

"That was it? Show some sincerity Zi Heng, and furthermore, I couldn't even hear you clearly! Even a mosquito sounds louder than you. Earlier, when you were shouting, I had to cover my ears to protect them. What's now? I mean, we did beat you up a little, however, aren't you too fragile to be reduced to this state so soon?" Song Ah Lam asked dramatically, sarcasm lacing in her voice.

Tang Xi's dead serious expression clouded and her pink full lips which ignited the desire inside men to kiss them passionately opened, and some ruthless words flowed out of them. "First of all, kowtow a hundred times, and while doing so, harp on your apology."

The vein in the middle of Zi Heng's forehead popped up in suppressed anger. He had to assimilate his ego a while ago to say that sorry twice. Now, they wanted him to kowtow?!

Zi Heng raised his head to glare at Tang Xi, and the curse words were at the tip of his tongue. However, he was faced with a pair of eyes that sent chills down his spine and made his soul quiver.

With just simple glare, it was as if he was met with the female version of king Yama.

Why was it that he was obviously the man, yet had to be afraid of a slender girl?! Must he go through the condescending sentence again?

The answer was yes. However, once his reinforcement arrived, he would have the upper hand in this game. He would torment this arrogant bitch thoroughly tonight, and threatening with the videos, there would be countless nights afterwards.

"I'm sorry!" Again, Zi Heng had to endure being insulted! Why were they not here yet?! Were they having fun watching him being disparaged?!

Tang Xi stared at Zi Heng somberly, the corners of her mouth twitched in disdain, "You really don't understand the civil language, do you? Why bring the punch language on yourself?"

Touching his forehead that was still hurting like shit, Zi Heng's heart shook. The new-risen fear overwhelmed everything else in his mind, even the little left over so-called self-respect and ego. He immediately tried to move his ass to kowtow, however, grimaced in pain. "My feet hurts...I can't move it and-"

Bang! Before Zi Heng could finish the sentence, the door was shoved open and a few shadows barged into the room.

They had arrived!

It wasn't until Zi Heng heard the sound of the door shutting that he allowed his nerves to relax. Finally, the water started ebbing away from his heart, and it found itself to the shore again.

At the same time, a shockingly unpleasant sight fell into Song Ah Lam's view. Her smile stiffened, and expression changed immediately, she could feel her heart at her throat.

Things took another turn for the worse!

"Zi Heng, how come you are so weak with this bulky frame of yours?" Wan Yufan, a second generation rich machine may[1], cracked his knuckles and said tauntingly to his buddy.


1. A lazy, irresponsible, delusional and frequently unemployed person with a pathological tendency to tell lies.