Hey Barmy, Don't Strain Your Nerve To Save This 3D Anime Girl.

Nonetheless, she deliberately lingered here to lure them all in a place, as she had a plan to back her up. It would have been much hassle to pull one of them at a time from the burrows.

Although, It exhausted a good amount of patience for Tang Xi to withhold herself from smashing their dirty mouths, she was, however, willing to make an exception to shove her victory down these man-whores' throats.

Contrastingly, after being besieged for a few minutes, Song Ah Lam's legs had begun to give away and to make matters worse, those nasty comments were extremely unbearable. She looked at Tang Xi, and said frigidly, "Xixi, stop being stubborn! You-"

"I will not go without you. When I leave this place, I will do that with you." Tang Xi interrupted her and said firmly.

Song Ah Lam was au fait with Tang Xi's unswerving nature, once the latter decided upon something with that firm tone of hers, nothing could change her mind.

Tears welled up in Song Ah Lam's eyes again as her heart wrenched up. Earthquake, even this word would be an understatement to describe her inner turmoil at this moment.

"Song Ah Lam, I must praise your birdbrain! Do you really think you are in position to ask her to leave? She is my main course today!" Zi Heng barked with an irate expression, as he was rearing to fuck Tang Xi up.

The impact Zi Heng's words had on Song Ah Lam was rather significant; even so, she took a composing breath, then pleaded again, "You guys can do whatever you want with me, but she-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Zi Heng squawked with his waspish tongue, cutting Song Ah Lam off. "Did you insert cotton balls in your ears when I said I want to fuck HER!"

"This pigheaded girl can be a good submissive, no?"

"Yes! Although she pales in comparison to the other one, she is good looking too."

"We are truly favoured sons of heaven to get two ravishing beauty at the same time!"

"Hey barmy, don't strain your nerve to save this 3D anime girl! You know why? Because, you don't have anything apart from air in that tiny head of yours!"

"Yeah! Only air flows from one side to another inside her skull! Hehe!"

"She is soo stupid! Let Xixi go!"

"You guys can do whatever you want with me, let her go!"

"Xixi, you go!"


Zi Heng and his friends mimicked Song Ah Lam rhapsodically, guffawing grotesquely.

Tang Xi couldn't see Song Ah Lam being treated that way. Nonetheless, she collected herself and her expression became exceptionally serious and determined as she prepared to ram these rogues down.

All of a sudden, Tang Xi looked at Zi Heng, and said, "Water-Air."

Song Ah Lam stared at Tang Xi's side profile with perplexity for about two seconds, before realization dawned upon her. She understood the meaning that was hidden under those random words. His brown eyes glowed slightly before batting her lashes in an inconspicuous way.

That was the signal Tang Xi saw from her peripheral view. She said those words looking at Zi Heng intentionally to not make themselves very obvious.

"What? You want water?" Zi Heng asked confusedly.

All the six men present there found Tang Xi's words to be rather strange but they could not quite put a finger on it. They looked at one another in puzzlement and exchanged glances. After about two or three seconds, they came to a tacit understanding that whatever the underlying meaning might be, this sly girl was up to no good.

Nonetheless, she could only resign to bring her rancor to her grave! Nobody would save them from here! Even God was on their side, otherwise, why didn't they leave when they had the chance?

"Let's start!" One of them barked and charged viciously at Tang Xi and Song Ah Lam.

Both Tang Xi and Song Ah Lam closed their eyes tightly. However, not out of fear, instead, it was because Tang Xi pressed the bottle of 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, which she always carried in her pocket.

Water-Air was the code name for tear gas, which Song Ah Lam came up with after watching a military movie a year ago. She, being a typical teenage girl, liked to copy everything from TV and movies; and the code names happened this way too.

They had several other code names for very important self-defense stuff as well. However, in reality, never did they think, one day they would be actually required to use these fun-made code names.

Zi Heng and his friends, on the other hand, being clueless, couldn't react to the situation quickly. As a result, every one of them got preyed on either by tearing, involuntary closing of eyelids, itching, burning, temporary blindness, blurry vision, or chemical burns.

"AHH! My eyes are fucking stinging!"

"Mine too! I can't open my eyelids!"

"She sprayed tear gas on us! I can't see anything!"

"I'm seeing blur!"

"Song Song we have to run at full speed!" Tang Xi held Song Ah Lam's wrists, and she urged the latter to run.

However, right at that moment, Fu Yang extended his hand and caught the hem of Tang Xi's sweater abruptly, while rubbing his eyes at the same time. "Ah bitch! Where are you fleeting?!"

An icy cold gaze formed in Tang Xi's bright, beautiful eyes. "Open the door," She pushed Song Ah Lam behind her back and covered for the latter, as she gave Song Ah Lam the opportunity to get out of the room first.

Song Ah Lam took off her high heels real quick then opened the room's door hurriedly. "Xixi, come!"

"Get off—" She cursed as she kicked on Fu Yang's groin.


"I won't let you take the victory!"

Ruan Jichen had lost all sense of logic as he was overcome with anger. He literally jumped at them abruptly, trying to pin one of them down to the floor.