The Return

Kaz stared at the figure that descended from the light. It wasn't so much a person as a presence—a being composed of a sublime yet manageable energy, landing gracefully on the barren land.

The god was clothed in garments that seemed both ancient and ever-changing, reflecting a deep knowledge and history, yet pulsating with a vibrant force that hinted at an undying vigor. His eyes held a calm but profound depth, as if bearing witness to the countless tales of universes created and lost. His voice was a warm, but powerful voice that broke the silence, echoing with a blend of curiosity and authority. It reverberated around Kaz, filling the space with a gentle yet resolute force, a reminder of the god's potent capabilities yet inherent gentleness.

The figure stood tall, his posture emanating a sense of seasoned leadership—a god who had seen much, experienced much, yet retained a core of compassion and interest, especially towards the young man standing before him. His presence seemed to radiate both an offering of protection and a request for respect, a delicate balance between a guardian and a ruler, the overseer of realms, yet with an air of loneliness, of a journey long undertaken alone.

Kaz felt an unsaid encouragement emanating from the god, a gentle prod to find his voice and respond to the open-ended question that hung in the air, filled with intrigue and a genuine desire for understanding. After a few heartbeats that felt like an eternity, Kaz found the courage to speak. Though his voice trembled slightly, it held a note of determination, a reflection of his will to stand before a being of such grandeur and respond with honesty and bravery.

"I-I don't know, I was on my planet, I got into an accident and then the next thing I know I woke up here."

The being continued to star deeply in Kaz's being almost as if he was figuring out all of his secrets before he finally spoke.

"Though you seem to be telling the truth, I do feel there is more to your story."

The god started to analyze what Kaz had made on his planet as well as the situation he currently was in. He realized that Kaz was fighting for his life and somewhat surviving. He brought his attention back to Kaz speaking to him again.

"For someone who just ended up here, you seem to have established yourself here quite well. All within a matter of a few days I may add. Let me ask, are you hiding your soul from me?"

Kaz's mind raced at the question. "I wouldn't even know how to, I can barely speak let alone do anything else."

As Kaz managed to squeeze out those words the being's face softened a bit before retracting his presence, allowing Kaz to breath freely and finally move again.

"Sorry about that, it has been a while since I have been near someone of your level of being that I didn't properly keep it from you. So you haven't formed a soul yet…maybe you are the reason."

Kaz stared at the man with a face of awe and curiosity before speaking again. "You said this is your planet? I thought it was abandoned?"

"Well, it is my planet, but I didn't abandon it exactly, but I don't want to explain. For now, you need to know something. Your existence is an issue with this universe."

Kaz thought this probably had to do with the system sustaining his soul, but decided to ask anyway. "What do you mean by that?"

"When you awoke your soul seed, it rippled through the universe that probably every god felt, a frequency in the universe that has been felt but only a few times within this universe. Those were whenever he created the first few of us. An unchained existence of life, something that isn't possible naturally. Normally, everything has a cycle, when a being gets to the level of creation, he creates life, but that life is dependent on their creator, if they leave far enough from their planet, they will begin to perish, if their creator leaves them, they will begin to perish. If that life can raise its level of existence to the point that they can sustain themself, then they can be separate. But even then, they share the frequency of their god. Because of this, every god shares the frequency of the first primordial gods. This can be hidden in different ways and even controlled when you become strong enough, but not when you haven't manifested your soul. Your issue is our frequency is completely foreign and it is perpetuated through the entire cosmos, and the fact that you have no soul yet means you are an unlinked life."

This influx of information made Kaz think about his system in more detail, is this because of the system and that man that gave him the book? Or has he been like this from the beginning?

"Should I be worried?" Kaz asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Not of me, but if the wrong person came to know of your existence then yes. Luckily for you, it doesn't point out your location, just that a new line of existence has been born. This means your potential is very high and dangerous to some beings out there, and there probably are some out there already looking for you, but I just happened to stumble upon you since you were stirring up trouble on my planet."

Kaz hung his head slightly afraid of what may come from this out of habit from his previous life, and the god picked up on his internalized fear.

"Don't worry, I'm not really upset, in fact, I want to help you. If you can evolve your soul core to it's next stage, I will help you off this world, but not before. Since it is very dangerous for you, I can't mask your presence until you have developed enough."

"Why do you want to help me?"

The god stared at him with a serious face. "Your existence means he hasn't abandoned us yet, and I feel he has a plan for you. Next time we meet, I will explain more to you, but for now, you have a situation you need to finish."

The god smirked and then disappeared from his sight with a flash. The light in the area died back down.

'What situation did he mean?'

Kaz stared at the eyes in the distance that were being kept at bay by the lights, until he saw it. A group of the eyes were moving in unison as it swayed closer and closer before a giant claw reached into the light from the shadow, and sizzled only slightly but showed no sign of stopping. The thing continued to move until it was in view. Its body is covered in a leather like blotchy arrangement of flesh and it reached a length of about 10 meters long. Its head seemed to possess dozen's of eyes that all focused on Kaz. He then heard a screech so loud come from the stomach of this creature that he almost didn't notice his notification.

[Warning, boss enemy has appeared: {Husk Mother lvl. 18}]