Seeing Double

[New Material Acquired: {Nexus Heart}]

[Skill Level up: {Nexus Affinity lvl.  4}]

[Skill Level up: {Nexus Domain lvl. 2}]

Kaz had a bead of sweat running down his forehead, although the action itself wasn't that hard, sustaining that pressure for an hour was tiring. After waving away the notifications Kaz grabbed the Nexus heart and started to examine it. Its structure was unique, like that of his nexus gland, but slightly different. It felt artificial, like it had the same capabilities but it was missing the will that was within his. He began manipulating the energy to see what the new material was capable of and he realized, it didn't just absorb energy, but could manipulate it. It served as a catalyst, like an extension of a will. He could treat it like another Nexus gland and manipulate it to control the energy around it, then Kaz had an idea.

"Is it possible for a being to have more than one Nexus Gland?"

[Normally, no, but for you it is possible. Your existence is not limited by this world because of this system, you can literally achieve any goal if desired.]

'What is the origin of this system? It is basically telling me it is capable of breaking the rules of this universe.'

[That information will come to you in the future, but right now it is of no use, just know my goal is to help you implement change, regardless of what it is.]

"Ok then if I create a second Nexus gland, would that double my power?"

[Not exactly. It can double your potential, but your body could only handle so much, because of that it will need longer to progress to a soul, since you would need to upgrade both of them. Also note that this will make your soul completely unique, basically doubling it, making two instances why there shouldn't be but it can also be a backup, If you die, it could bring you back if it was somewhere else. But that's when you have a soul. The main experience you would get now would be the ability to double think. To completely think and focus on separate things, or hyper focus on things. It would be a great boost.]

"Ok then how do I make another one?"

[You can't.]

"But you just told me I could."

[I said it is possible for you to have more than one, I didn't say that you can create a separate one by yourself. Though I am able to assist in that similar to when I awakened your nexus gland before. I can give your Nexus Gland the ability of Mitosis. But do know you will need to strengthen your body before you could handle any more than two.]

"Ok then do it for me."

[Initiating Gland Mitosis.]

Kaz suddenly felt the core of his being feel as though it was starting to rip apart. His body quivered at the pain as he fell down in agony, unable to breath. His eyes started to roll back and he passed out. In his unconsciousness, he felt the world double, he started to feel two sets of himself, two sets of his goals, desires, memories, achievements, fears and senses. A mirror appeared in front of him, revealing a reflection of himself, then slowly the mirror backed away, letting the reflection come out. At first Kaz stared at it, and it back at him. He started to wave, then it waved. If he backed away, so would it. He then realized he had both his own awareness and the reflections overlapped. He slowly separated them, and he was able to act independently from it, all the while having it act anyway he wanted it to. Finally he walked towards it, and it to him before he embraced himself, condensing it into his being.

Kaz's eyes shot open as he gasped for air.

[Mitosis complete.]

[Do note that some status menu items have changed as you have split your power between the glands, losing you some of your strength, but now your potential is higher, this will be reflected in your stats.]

Kaz opened his menu to see the changes.

Name: Kaz

Race: Awakened Human

Nexus Glands: Luminal Bud, Luminal Bud

Nexus Drops: 22/200 (+3 stats per drop)

Skill Tokens: 1

Sense Range: 50 meters

(Stats are counts of 10)

Level: 15

Unallocated Stat Points: 15

Experience: 338,650/500,000

Physique level: 104

Health: 2050/2050 ({vitality + physique} x 10)

Vitality: 101

Stamina: 104 (physique level)

Intelligence: 116


Photographic Memory lvl. MAX

Knowledge Absorption lvl. MAX

Prospecting lvl. MAX

Fabrication lvl. MAX

  - Material Science

  - Architecture

  - Electrical Engineering

  - Mechanical Engineering

  - Weapon Manufacturing

Alchemy lvl. 2

Temporal Shift lvl. MAX

Nexus Affinity lvl. 3

Nexus Domain lvl. 1

Intermediate Spear Mastery lvl. 4

  - Initiate Stance

Tower Defense lvl. 4

Basic Rifle Mastery lvl. 2

???? lvl. 1

Kaz then felt his mind wonder in two directions, but it wasn't confusing. It was hard for him to grasp it at first, but his mind was able to focus on various things at once now as if he was two brains in one being. His mind was able to independently control his body in multiple ways, he could split his attention between his hands and have them both do one thing each without being confused.

Then he noticed his range, it increased drastically, doubling in size, when he attempted to control nexus energy, he realized the strength behind his manipulation was twice as strong as well, any stronger and he felt as if the pathways transporting the energy would explode. After he became used to the feeling another notification appeared.

[Skill fusion and evolution taking place: Skills {Photographic Memory lvl. MAX} and {Knowledge Absorption lvl. MAX} have fused and evolved into {Seed of Omniscience lvl. MAX}]

[The "Seed of Omniscience" represents the embryonic stage of an all-encompassing awareness, a hint of the potential to perceive the intricate web of connections that govern the complex world. In this premature stage, the skill grants the wielder an enhanced intuitive understanding of their surroundings, able to perceive subtle details and connections that would be imperceptible to the average individual. It is as if the whispers of the world flow into the user's mind, offering guidance, hints, and a deeper understanding of the phenomena they encounter.]

Kaz breathed heavily, his mind still grappling with the astonishing transformation that had just occurred. His whole existence felt broader, more potent, and it took a conscious effort to rein in the wandering tendrils of his newly expanded mind.

Gently, he raised his hand and spread his fingers. As if in response to his command, tendrils of Nexus energy weaved between his fingers, a display of his doubled control over the element. He could feel, much more vividly, the life in the Nexus heart that was still in his hand. Its pulse reverberated in synchrony with the two glands within him, a strange harmony of resonances that felt both foreign and intrinsically familiar.

Sitting back on his heels, Kaz began to delve deeper into his expanded senses, feeling out the edges of his new abilities. It was a vast landscape, filled with more details than he could have imagined. Every particle, every element around him hummed with a song, a note in the grand orchestra of the universe, and now he was equipped to perceive it all on a much finer scale.

But with great power comes great responsibility. As much as the dual glands granted him immense potential, he could feel a danger, a fragile balance that needed meticulous nurturing and control. It wasn't just about accumulating power; it was about harmonizing, synchronizing the two forces within him to reach heights unimaginable to the average person.

A deeper comprehension of the world was unfolding before him, yet at the same time, it seemed like an overwhelming flood of information. It was like being handed a library with no catalog, a treasure trove of knowledge with no clear pathway through it.

With a determined grit, he knew he needed to forge this pathway himself, to craft the maps that would guide his journey through the uncharted waters of his newly expanded consciousness.

As Kaz contemplated the future, the Nexus heart in his hand pulsed softly, almost comfortingly. An idea blossomed in his mind, a glimpse of a future where he could harness the potential of the Nexus heart to forge a weapon, a tool that would be an extension of his own being, a companion in his journey to understanding the true nature of the Nexus and the universe. He pulled out his spear and paired it next to the heart feeling a pulse almost of agreement to the weapon he chose from the crystal.