Camping Out

While walking Kaz saw a flashing mark in his peripheral that he didn't notice before. He clicked it and a few pop ups appeared.

[Congratulations on clearing the mission: {}Night of the Living Dead}!]

[Due to clearing the mission another skill token has been awarded.]

[Race Changed: Due to race changing, you have acquired 2 racial skills.]

[Skills Acquired: {Enhanced Senses lvl. MAX},{Elemental Affinity Wind lvl. 1}]

Kaz read through the messages and decided to open his status screen to view the changes.

Name: Kaz

Race: Awakened Elf

Nexus Glands: Luminal Bud Stage 2, Luminal Bud Stage 2

Nexus Drops: 0/200 (+2 stats per drop)

Skill Tokens: 3

Sense Range: 55 meters

(Stats are counts of 10)

Level: 15

Unallocated Stat Points: 15

Experience: 488,650/500,000

Physique level: 635

Health: 12660/12660 ({vitality + physique} x 10)

Vitality: 631

Stamina: 635 (physique level)

Intelligence: 647

Speed: 635 ({physique x 0.5} + {stamina x 0.5})

Damage: 638 ({physique x 0.75} + {intelligence x 0.25})


Seed of Omniscience lvl. MAX

Analysis lvl. MAX

Advanced Fabrication lvl. 1

Temporal Shift lvl. MAX

Nexus Affinity lvl. 4

Nexus Domain lvl. 2

Intermediate Spear Mastery lvl. 4

  - Initiate Stance

Tower Defense lvl. 4

Basic Rifle Mastery lvl. 2

Enhanced Senses lvl. MAX

Elemental Affinity Wind lvl. 1

???? lvl. 1

Kaz looked at the new changes and seemed to realize a few things. First, skills that are a set will appear under each other if fused, but when the set is complete, the included skills disappear from the list. This could mean its finished, but he can guess that the wind affinity is tied to other affinities and can possibly be fused with his nexus affinity skill and other elements.

'Are skill tokens only locked to creating skills?'

[Their main function is to help you comprehend something related to a skill, but that is one of the useful skills is they can help you comprehend a skill you don't yet have. Depending on the level of comprehension the amount needed will rise.]

'Could I use it on my-'

Adam tugged on Kaz's hand mid thought. When Kaz looked over, there was a caterpillar-like insect with multiple hooks coming off its body. Kaz internally chuckled realizing he was scared of it before going back to his thoughts.

'Could I use it to develop the skills required for a god?'

[That is one limit of the system, I can help you get close to it by helping you learn the prerequisite skills but you have to discover those.]

Kaz pondered as he looked back at Adam who was now poking the bug with a stick watching it posture as if Adam was a predator planning to eat it.

'I will think about what to do with them later, on another thought, am I able to see his stats?'

[Since he is currently partying with you, you are able to.]

'Show me them.'

Name: Adam

Race: Awakened Elf

Nexus Glands: Luminal Bud Stage 2

(Stats are counts of 10)

Level: 25

Experience: 3,409,213/10,000,000

Physique level: 756

Health: 15090/15090 ({vitality + physique} x 10)

Vitality: 753

Stamina: 756 (physique level)

Intelligence: 342

Speed: 756 ({physique x 0.5} + {stamina x 0.5})

Damage: 653 ({physique x 0.75} + {intelligence x 0.25})

[Note: Some information is currently inaccessible due to the user's strength not being high enough.]

After Kaz saw the stats that Adam had, he realized that he had no chance against him before and may still be a hard challenge even though he is the same rank. Kaz then realized, given the level difference, he is still very strong, and balanced stat wise all things considered. Looking back at the cute little ash haired boy still made him shudder at how strong he seemed to be.

Kaz continued his journey along with Adam before they finally reached a small cliffside from which he was able to see a small village within the forest in the distance. Beyond that the view was amazing, enough to make both of them smile. Kaz closed his eyes to take it all in, this was the first real time he journeyed through nature and was enjoying it. He slowly began to pity the previous him, no aspirations, no experience, no happiness, etc. Even now his happiness is limited, but with the sensory overload he felt himself getting caught in the moment and almost forgetting his goal. 

Looking out seeing that the sun was about to set he asked the system the night and day cycle speed on this planet.

[The speed is almost identical, being about two more hours in one day on this world.]

"Alright Adam, we are going to stay here tonight." Kaz said while ruffling Adam's hair.

Kaz then Kaz realized something, the forest has quite a few materials he hasn't had access to, and he quickly began making a small clearing on the hill as he harvested a few trees, he killed a few animals and harvested them using an iron knife he conjured. After he began to construct a small encampment with a small wooden wall between them and the woods with their back at the cliff. Heathen started to construct a somewhat big tent out of plant fiber with a small makeshift workshop as well as a room with two beds. He then decided to do something he had been looking forward to, eating food.

Kaz quickly made a small kitchen station outside in which he made a stone brick stove over a furnace and began to examine multiple herbs he found in the clearing to make a decent seasoning for the meat. He quickly absorbed any information for cooking from the archive he had and began to try and cook a meal. The meat had a similar consistency and look to beef. He slowly charred the edges before letting it sizzle a bit. He began throwing in some seasoning he made and tilting his pan he made to the side before pooling the juices in order to baste the meat and not let it go dry.

Upon completion, he realized he missed a notification and that another appeared. He opened his notifications.

[Skill Level up: {Advanced Fabrication lvl. 2}]

[New skill acquired: {Basic Cooking lvl. 1}]

Kaz hadn't realized he had these notifications appear since he was so caught up in work. Kaz began making an eating area for him and Adam as he sliced the sizable steak into two portions. He sat down with Adam who went to grab his share before being stopped by Kaz. Adam looked confused and then was handed a knife and fork to which Kaz braced a part with the fork and sliced it away with the knife, showing Adam how to do it. Adam watched then looked back and forth a few times before grabbing the fork and knife and quickly copying what Kaz had done before waiting for the next step. 

Kaz chuckled at his innocence as he remembered Rika teaching him how to have table manners so that he didn't get in trouble in the past, now he was teaching Adam just out of tradition. Kaz finally put the meat into his mouth which Adam quickly followed and began to eagerly eat the food. Kaz sat there almost surprised at how good it tasted, he hadn't eaten anything in over two weeks and he had almost forgotten the process of sitting down and eating with anyone. The last person being him and Dorothy at the library.

Kaz while finishing his food thought back to his last memories on Earth as well as his memories with Rika, hoping that he could make them proud somewhat, and he would someday return to Earth he felt, but for now he had other things to accomplish. Suddenly Adam stood up with a longing face. Kaz noticed his empty plate and pleading eyes and smiled.

"I guess you're ready for seconds huh?"