
Friday, 1st September 1989

"My head really hurts… and what is that sound?"

This was Matthew Mason's first thought upon waking up. He felt as if a truck crashed into him and he landed on his head. After further contemplation, he realized that actually happened. So how is he still alive?

"I am on a train. How did I land here? Where is even here? What's the destination? Please don't be the afterlife!"

He was sitting alone in some kind of train compartment. The sound from earlier is the moving of the train on the rails. Outside of the window, he saw that they were driving on a bridge over a valley. While observing the situation outside he heard a voice inside his head.

[Beep. AI Chip ready.] [Memory data of Hosts original body ready for download and integration. Proceed?]

"Huh… What the hell? What AI Chip?"

Is this the AI Chip from Warlock of the Magus World? Did he reincarnate into the Magus World? No that can't be right. This train seems to be like an old train from home. He doesn't think there were any trains in the Magus World. Matthew remembered carriages, flying ships, and similar but no train running on steam.

[Observation Correct. Functions of the AI Chip are identical to its Story counterpart. Based on my Calculations there is less than a 0.1% Chance for it being the Magus World of Leylin Farlier found inside the host's memories. The Answer may be in the memories of the previous owner of Hosts Body. Proceed with the download and integration of the data?]

"It seems to be the best course of action. Yes, AI chip proceed."

[Please wait! Download in progress… 20%… 40%… 70%… 99%… Beep Complete.]

Suddenly he got a small and short stabbing pain in my head again and a new set of Memories suddenly appeared inside of his Mind. 'Holy Shit! I am a Wizard. I am in the Wizarding World. The fucking world of Harry Potter, Merlin, Voldemort, Speaking hats, magical super beauties, and Hermione. With an AI Chip.' he cheered in his mind.

Dumbledore, Voldemort, and even Hermione may be very intelligent, you could even say Geniuses but compared to the processing powers of the AI Chip they are nothing. We have the first of September in 1989, at this point of time even all the Computers on the whole Planet have not enough calculation power to be more powerful than my AI Chip.

Last mid-July he received his Hogwarts Letter and got the whole Introduction from Professor MCGonagall, with a cool table to pig transfiguration showcase to prove magic is real. He seems to be a Muggleborn not that it matters. His new bodies name is Matthew Mason, he had the same name as in his last life. He lives in London with his Parents. Since he had all the memories of the previous owner of this Body he will also consider them his parents. His father owns a construction company and his Mother is a medical Doctor in the local Hospital. So they could live pretty comfortably. He visited Diagon Alley with them a few weeks ago and now he was sitting on the Hogwarts Express. Anyways, it doesn't matter now. First of all.

"AI Chip scan my Head and search for the location of the Assistant System or any foreign object!"

[Beep! Scan complete! No strange or foreign existences were found in Host's head!]

"Now scan my whole body, and display my body's status and any strange differences from common Humans!"

[Beep! Scan complete!] [Matthew Mason. Strength: 0.5, Agility: 0.7, Vitality: 0.6, Status: Slight Headache no physical Injuries detected.] [Registering an unknown form of energy inside the host's body. Not enough data to quantify it.]

A 3D-Model of his Body appeared before his eyes with his stats displayed on the side, he was a black-haired youthful looking boy. His grey eyes gave his above-average looking face a mysterious look. With a heigth of 144cm he was pretty normal for his age. 'My Body seems to have the average strength of a healthy eleven-Year-old child. So I do not need to start a training regime to catch up to my fellow classmates like Leylin needed to in the Magus World. But for a healthy mind, you need a healthy body so a regular workout seems to be appropriate. The AI Chips seems to be fused to my Soul like Leylin's. But there is no need to fear Wizards discovering it inside of my Soul. Most of them do have not a lot of interest in understanding the secrets of magic. As for the Unspeakables, they are far from me since they have no reason to visit Hogwarts.' analyzed Matthew.

This foreign Energy may be magic itself, To test it he took his Wand out of his pocket into his Hand.

"AI Chip scan my Wand!"

[Beep! Scan complete! The Wand seems to be conducive for the foreign form of energy inside of the host's Body. The Energy flows from the Host's Body through the Wand and back. The Wand is made of Yew Wood and has a length of 13 Inches. Inside of it is a Core made of an unknown Material which gives of similar Energy Particles like the unknown Energy inside of the Host's Body.]

This unknown Energy really seems to be magic. Inside of Hogwarts are enough Students and Teachers to scan to understand magic better and see where he stood in the scale of Power.

The Core of my Wand was according to Ollivander the Dragon Heartstring of a Ukrainian Ironbelly. One of the last few Heartstrings in the World. Since this species of Dragon which was known as the largest in the World is unfortunately already extinct. Luckily he felt that his wand belongs to him, what a fantastical and unique feeling. It seems his reincarnation doesn't force me to get a new wand.

"AI Chip begin to scan the People I meet in the future and collect their Body Status and analyze them especially begin to analyze the Unknown Energy. Let us call it Magical Energy from now on."

[Beep! Task established, Beginning the collection of Stats and Analysis of Magical Energy.]

"Also scan the Memories of this Bodies original owner and of my past life and establish a database of the knowledge. Also, analyze the Events of Harry Potter and tell where I am and when Canon Starts."

[Beep! Beginning Data collection! Creating Database! Progress 10%… 40%…. 70%… 99%… Task complete!] [Harry Potter receives his first Hogwarts Letter in 691 Days on July 24th and his relatives then try to prevent him from going to Hogwarts, the first Canon events inside the Harry Potter books happen a few weeks before that. The host is in the same year as Fred and George Weasley. Bill Weasley is Headboy and Charlie Weasley is a Gryffindor Prefect.]

The AI Chip is really useful while his imperfect Human Mind at this point only remembers rough Details. The AI Chip knows every Detail of his memories even the ones he can't actually access and is able to analyze every detail. It's like a portable pensieve.

For the moment, won't he have to wear a Mind reading Hat in a few hours and aren't there two notorious Mind readers with Snape and Dumbledore in the Castle. They probably won't read his mind since he is only some random Muggleborn Student of no consequence at the moment, and the Hat won't necessarily share his knowledge with Dumbledore since he was created by the four founders in service of the School. But better be safe than sorry.

"AI Chip encrypt the memories of my past life and put the original Memories into the front. So nobody beside me can access them. Since this is the best solution I have at the moment."

[Beep. Task established. Estimated Duration is 3 hours and 32 Minutes.] [It's recommended for the host to learn Occlumency in the future. Based on the present Data Occlumency may amplify the host's mental capacities and with it my processing Powers.]

"I will see what I can do. Seems a good idea so far. Probably around 4 hours until arrival in Hogwarts and the Chip is also indisposed for the next few hours.

'So I died. Well fuck. Luckily I've got reincarnated and got a new Chance to live. What a fucking Cliché reincarnation through Truck-kun. I was just an normal College student. Well, I won't waste it. I will stand on top of this World, no this Universe. With Magic and my AI Chip, it will be possible. The Ministry, Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort and his Death Eaters, and whoever the fuck else will be mere stepping stones on my path to the Peak. Power, Love, Riches, and everything else I will get it and nobody will stop me.' decided Matthew with new conviction.

"Why should I waste time… I have 4 hours time to take a look at my first-year books. The Ai Chip can later import the gained knowledge into the database from my memories. Let's get to work!"

So he pulls out his copy of Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling and starts reading.


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