Finishing the Trial

The Silver-blue Dragon, which was sought out for its attractive skin, not that it mattered since it was a magical construct, stared down at Matthew. It suddenly put its head slightly backward and breathed in.

"Shiiiiiiit!" cried out Matthew as he realized what was about to happen. He jumped out of the way, just as the Swedish short-Snout breathed a volley of blue flames out of its snout. His shield should be able to tank the flames of most dragons, but the short-Snout was known for its powerful flames. Luckily its scales were less resistant to magic and weaker than the scales of other Dragon breeds.

Matthew shot one of his dark piercing curses at the dragon's body and was able to destroy a few of its scales. Apparently, they were still able to tank his curse, but get damaged in the Process. The room wasn't large enough for the Dragon which usually lived in the wild uninhabited Swedish mountain area, to take off to flight. So he chooses to attack Matthew with one of his silver-blue arms.

He repelled the Dragons' attack, with an almighty push which made the dragon stumble and fall backward. Directly shooting a few dark piercing curses at the Swedish dragon's body, he managed to harm the flesh on the dragon's body.

The Dragon was clearly weakened at this point, in a last-ditch effort it tried to once again hit Matthew with a desperate fire breath. Matthew wouldn't be able to dodge the blue flames in time. So he cast an almighty push again and slowed the dragon fire down, and continued to weaken it with many small shields before it finally impacted his large hexagon shield.

In the end, the shield was able to resist the weakened Dragon fire, although it broke down afterward. Before the Swedish short-Snout was able to get up and attack again, Matthew started to attack with as many dark piercing Curses as he could cast. The Volley of Curses penetrated through the Dragons body like through Swiss Cheese, and the magical Dragon Construct finally started to dissipate.

Matthew who was out of Magical Energy leaned exhausted against the Wall, as he heard the high and mighty voice of the shitty bronze eagle again, "Congratulations Challenger, for passing the final Trial of Ravenclaw. You Succeded where many have fallen before and became an Heir of Rowena Ravenclaw herself." Explained the Eagle, "Follow me back to the entrance hall.", said the Eagle as another blue swirling Portal appeared before Matthew.

After stepping through the Portal, he arrived at the large empty hall again where the bronze Eagle Statue waited for him. Nothing inside the Hall was different from before, he hoped that there actually was a reward, and this wasn't some kind of sick personal entertainment for a thousand-year-old magically brought to live Eagle statue.

"You gained the right to Access the Books written Personally written by Rowena Ravenclaw herself. The Books are hidden in a place you are already very familiar with. The Room of Requirements was created by Lady Rowena. Only you will be able to Access the Rewards, nobody else will be able to enter the room with you." Explained the Eagle; "All you have to wish for is the Secret Reward Room of Rowena Ravenclaw and it will appear. No leave Challenger and get some rest." Explained the eagle while another blue glowing Portal appeared and Matthew got pushed through it.

Matthew landed again in the Ravenclaw Common Room. He decided he would check out the Rewards tomorrow after his study session whit the first years. For now, he decided to turn in for the night. Since he was as exhausted as if he fought a dragon… Which he did.

~ Scene Break ~

After a long Friday of Lessons and helping the first-years with their Homework, Matthew was finally able to approach the Room of Requirements. He passed three times before the entrance while wishing for the 'Secret Reward Room of Rowena Ravenclaw'. This Time a blue glowing Door appeared on the Wall. After opening it he found himself inside a large palace-like hall with three pedestals in the center.

On the pedestals rested three different books. They looked ancient and were bound in an elegant-looking blue leather cover. The first book was called 'The Secrets of Space by Rowena Ravenclaw', after scanning it with his scanning spell he found out it was about Rowena's Research into the concept of Space. It explained here different knowledge about apparition, Portkeys, and different other topics of Space. Additionally, it was explained how to create the blue Portals. Although they were bound to the Users level of Power and at his level Pretty short range. He still could teleport through Hogwarts and would be able to redirect attacks and spells even the Unforgivables after Mastering it. He also learned how to create it with runes.

The next book was called 'Magical Constructs and how to control them by Rowena Ravenclaw' it explained the concepts of how to create magical constructs, with and without runes. After mastering it the Caster would be able to create and manipulate different kinds of Magical Constructs, similar to the hardlight creations of different comic superheroes like Green Lantern of DC, but just less powerful, since the art was very complex. Rowena only worked out the theory of how to cast them without runes, she could only use runes for it. But the theory would be very useful in the future.

Last but not least, was the Book that piqued Matthew's interest the most. It was called 'Mind and Soul by Rowena Ravenclaw'. After Scanning it with his Spell, he found out that Rowena Ravenclaw deeply researched the Mind and through it the Soul. She found out that the Consciousness of a Person was located inside the Soul. Without the Soul, a Person would be only an empty, although physically working husk. The knowledge was not only stored inside the brain but also the Soul. She deeply researched the topic of souls, including Horcruxes, and developed a safe Method to create an artificial Concuisness. The Sorting hat and Bronze Eagle were created based on the knowledge of this research. Her Magna Opus was something called a Soul Seed. It was an artificial seed cultivated over years by one own soul imbued into an Object similar to a Horcrux but still different. Its purpose wasn't Imortallity but to pass on the knowledge of the caster, it created something similar to Sarah.

A AI created by a part of the Casters Soul, although not as powerful as Sarah. Something that Rowena Ravenclaw did, she created an artifact that would grant the wearer Wisdom. Yes, the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw not only contained a Horcrux of Voldemort but also a Soul Seed of Rowena Ravenclaw.

Besides that, the book also contained a lot of theories about souls and their workings. These new pieces of information brought Matthew a lot of new ideas for the future, but first of all, he needed to complete his Database of Hogwarts Library.

For the rest of the Day, he practiced creating different Portals inside the Room of Requirements until late into the night. After he was sure that everyone was asleep he opened a Portal before his dorm Room door and stepped through it. 'Nice this will safe me a lot of time.', he thought as he entered his shared room and prepared himself for sleep. Before falling asleep he gave Sarah a last order for the day.

'Sarah start improving Occlumency. Add also the newly gained knowledge to it and everything we gathered inside the Database.' He requested mentally while falling asleep.

[Task Confirmed. Starting Magic Improvement Process. Estimated Time of Completion: 25 Days 8 Hours 34 Minutes.]

'Well, that will take a while. Doesn't matter I still have a few thousand books to scan.' He thought as he fell asleep.


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