Borgin and Burkes

In the front Window was an assortment of different artifacts displayed. Amongst them was an Opal Necklace. This necklace had a read the label, 'Do not Touch! Cursed. Has claimed the lives of nineteen Muggle owners to date'. This was the Necklace Draco Malfoy bought in the future to kill Dumbledore in Harry's sixth year. Unfortunately, Katie Bell touched it accidentally while delivering it under the imperius Curse and landed in St.Mungos for the rest of the Year.

Matthew entered the gloomy Antique Shop which was founded in 1863 by Messrs. Caractacus Burke and Borgin through the entrance at the front. He entered the store which was currently empty. It was a large, dimly lit wizard's shop that was quite dusty and dirty. The atmosphere inside the store was quite dark, there was a feeling of dark magic in the air, similar to the ruins of the Black Castle but not quite as powerful.

The inside of the store looked similar in age and style to the rest of the Wizarding World, there was a large stone fireplace at one side of the shop. Next to it was a glass case that held a withered hand on a cushion, a blood-stained pack of cards, and a staring glass eye. Evil-looking masks stared down from the walls, an assortment of human bones lay upon the counter, and rusty, spiked instruments hung from the ceiling. On the other side was a dusty bookcase full of books on different topics. Beside it stood a large black metallic Cabinet, this was the Vanishing Cabinet connected to Hogwarts. It still should be fully functional since Peeves still didn't break the other one by dropping it above Filch's Office in one of the Classrooms to distract him, which happens in Harry's second year.

But Matthew wouldn't try it out since he wasn't sure if it got damaged before that event. Vanishing Cabinets were quite popular during the First Wizarding War, it was one of the safest ways to anonymously vanish if Death Eaters should visit. Since it was unaffected by anti-Apparition and anti-Portkey wards, it was a good escape method. But Matthew wasn't here to for the Cabinet at the moment. He had enough time to acquire it in the future.

First, he approached the Glass Case and observed its contents, 'Sarah scan the Objects inside the Glass Case.' He requested mentally while waiting a few moments for the Results.

According to Sarah the pack of blood-stained cards was a cursed artifact. Once someone touched them they would begin to whirl around and attack the person and cut him all over his body. The only stop once the person would run out of blood.

The staring glass eye was similar to the eye of moody. An enchanted Eye that returns the user's vision once implanted. But instead of having the ability to see through objects and walls, it could see magic. Basically, it could see an aura around enchanted objects or a person, based on the color the user could discern what kind of magic was on the object or what kind the other person was casting. If it was harmful it usually took a dark malevolent coloring.

Lastly was the withered Hand on the Cushion, this hand was purchased in the future by Draco Malfoy. This was an artifact called 'The Hand of Glory' a dark artifact that gave candlelight only to the holder. Although it wasn't a very powerful artifact, it was quite a useful one. It could even shine through most spells and pieces of magic which created Darkness, like the veil created by Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, which was resistant to most light-creation spells.

Next, Matthew headed to the dusty bookcase and began looking through the collection of different books on the topic of a darker nature. Unfortunately, most of them were available inside the restriction Section of the Hogwarts Library. Only a few of them he saw for the first time. After picking a total of three books that he didn't read yet he approached the Wooden Shop Counter since the rest of the Objects inside the Shop was of minor interest to him. Although some of the Masks on the Wall had a historic Value they weren't really useful for him.

He ringed the old Bell on the Counter to call Mr.Borgin to the front of the Shop. After a few moments, a stooping man had appeared behind the counter, smoothing his greasy hair back from his face.

"Greetings Mr.Borgin nice to meet you." Greeted Matthew with a polite Voice while watching the other man.

"Good day yourself, Sir. A new Customer that's rare. What a pleasure to meet you Mr. ?" replied Mr.Borgin with his voice as oily as his hair.

"Ah, how discourteous of me, my name is Magus, that's what people at least call me." He introduced himself while quickly making a name up. "I would like to purchase these books here, and would like to know if you have any rare books related to Souls, Magical Constructs, Dark Magic, Rituals, or Necromancy for sale." He asked with a quiet and serious voice making sure he couldn't be overheard from the outside while putting the three books he picked earlier on the counter.

They were 'Practical Dark Arts', '100 Ways to Death' and 'Potent Rituals'. Books that weren't available in the Hogwarts Library but something he would be probably able to locate in other stores here in Knockturn Alley.

"Oh, I see a knowledgable Customer you are Mr.Magus. These Books are quite uncommon but practical." Replied Mr.Borgin while flattering Matthew with his oily voice. "Unfortunately I don't have any Books on Magic related to Souls, they are quite rare and usually only available to very old families, even if I gained some I would first approach other Customers since they would guarantee me quite the nice price. As for Magical Constructs, I don't have any currently since this is quite the exotic form of magic here in Britain, since we prefer transfiguration for similar effects, but I could keep my eyes open for you and contact you. As for the other topics, I have a few interesting books." He answered.

"Well, I would be indebted to you if you could keep your eyes open, if you get your hands on any books related to Soul Magic I would also pay you handsomely. I will visit your shop in a few months again since I will be traveling for a while and won't be reachable. Please let me have a look at your other Books." Said Matthew as he stared back at the greasy man while making up some excuses to keep his identity a secret.

"Yes, one moment please." Replied Mr.Borgin while returning to the back of the Store, after a few minutes he returned with a pile of another four Books. "These are the Books, that could be quite interesting for you based on your requests."

"Hmm, let me see." Muttered Matthew while reading the titles of the Books. 'Cursed Blood' was the first book, it seemed to be about blood-based curses. The next one was called 'Animate the Death' it should be a Necromancy book, but based on the title it was a different kind of Necromancy Matthew had in mind. He imagined more something like returning life into death Bodies creating Zombies, summoning Ghosts and spirits. But like inferni the Necromancy of the Wizarding World was more about animated Corpses. Next was a book called 'A Travelers Diary' he had no idea what that had to do with Dark Magic, but it may be worth it. Last but not Least was a book by the name of 'Rituals of thy Body', the title was pretty self-explanatory and something that was definitely useful for Matthew.

After checking the collection of Books out, he returned his gaze back at Mr.Borgin, "How much for these seven Books together?" He asked while anticipating the reply.


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