Early Spiritual Maturation

After a few panicking moments Matthew heard Sarah's reply inside his mind.

[Beep! Scan Complete. Hosts Body entered a state of spiritual maturation and is about to break through the bottleneck of host magical energy. The last few month's spending in peaks Rank 1 Wizard state was enough to loosen the bottleneck, so the host could enter the state earlier than other Wizards. The Polyjuice Potion was the last straw, the transformation of the Potion triggered the early maturation of the host's body and forced the state. The host should place himself in a comfortable state and enter a sleeplike state through meditation since Wizards usually go through this process naturally in their sleep, but the host's circumstances are special thanks to the Azure Corn Potion. No Data on an early Maturation inside the Database was found. Starting recording the Process.]

'Oh, that's what's happening. Finally, I waited long enough after all.' Thought Matthew as his body continued to heat up. He quickly hurried to his Bed and entered a comfortable Lotus position and began to try entering a meditative state.

While meditating the hot feeling spread through his whole body from his head to his toes. He calmed himself down, using his Occlumency and corresponding mediation method, and entered his mindscape, which should count as a sleeping state for his body.

His Concusioness appeared in his mental universe, the colors inside were flashing a lot more intensive and brighter than ever before. There was a wild colorful storm raging inside his mind, the storm also spread through the whole space until his Universe artificial created borders which served as his mental defenses.

'Shit if this continues my Occlumency defenses will shatter again.' Panicked Matthew while observing the raging Storm inside his mindscape. 'I need to do something, this is my mind and my body, and I am the master here' thought Matthew in a fit of rage as he concentrated on the Storm.

The wild Storm of Colors kept expanding and pushing against his borders, Matthew decided to try something. Instead of letting it push against his defenses, he tried to feed the overflowing energies of the Storm into them, like when he build them.

He had the theory that this raging storm was a mental representation of the spiritual maturation his body was undergoing currently, and before it finishes it had a lot of overflowing excess energy, so why not use it to empower his mental defenses further. He raised his hands and willed the energies that were pushing against his defenses to flow into them, bit for bit the borders of his mental Universe became more colorful and brighter. It worked he was able to use the overflowing energy of his body to strengthen his mind defenses further.

After some time that felt like hours, the colorful storm stopped pushing against his mental defenses, instead, it began to shrink, but not really shrink. It began to get denser and denser, instead of a wide storm, it became a dense flow of energies spread through his whole mindscape. A few minutes later the whole process ended and his mental universe calmed down again. But the whole space changed. Instead of a few flashes of small Colorful flashes of lightning inside his Universe, they became much stronger and denser and consisted of multiple Colors instead of a single one.

The strength of his mental defenses also at least doubled, which was an unexpected but welcome boon for him. After Matthew made sure everything was ok, he decided it was time to wake up and leave his mindscape again. He disappeared from his mental Universe.

A few moments later Matthew who still sat in a comfortable Lotus Position on his bed, slowly opened his eyes. It was already dark outside, he returned from Knockturn Alley in the evening, but it was still bright outside then, so at least a few hours should have passed during his artificial Spiritual Maturation. Which the Clock in his Room confirmed.

He made sure everything felt fine inside his body before he began moving, his whole body felt full of energy like never before. Standing in the middle of his room and moving every part of his body, just to make sure everything was fine, he began to mentally communicate with Sarah.

'Sarah did everything go well?' he asked while anticipating the reply of his AI.

[Beep! Yes, the host's body seems in better condition than before, although the host has to reapply his Brain Capacity training spell since it got broken during the process. I recorded the whole Process and will analyze the data now give me a few minutes, please. Continue?]

'Yes do it Sarah!' he confirmed while beginning to wait. 'So my spell broke, that's while my thoughts feel so fast. Damn, I can't wait to see how it will feel when the second stage of my Occlumency training is completed.' He mused while waiting for Sarah to analyze the Data of his first spiritual maturation. After a few minutes, he heard Sarah's mechanical Voice again.

[Analysis Complete. Hosts' bodies successfully completed an artificial spiritual maturation like any Wizard would undergo after a lot of training, aging, or rituals would undergo. When a Wizard reaches a bottleneck in his Magical energy values the excess energies will begin to gather in a part of his body while unavailable for usage until it reaches a critical mass or breaking point where it will begin to force the Body through a maturation to accommodate more power. This stored energy is different from the energies used in the natural maturation a Wizard undergoes twice his life. This energy is naturally gathered in a Wizard's Soul constantly, it will naturally force a maturation once at seven where the wizarding child will be then able to control his magic and a second time at 15-16. The host still has the energy storage inside his Soul untouched and will mature at around 16 completely naturally.]

'So that's how it works.' Wondered Matthew while comprehending the new information gathered through the Analysis. 'I wonder if my early Maturation will bring me any unexpected benefits in the future, at least I am now far ahead in Magical power compared to most students until their fifth year. I should have reached the level of a sixth-year student now. Sarah please update my Status and show me the new one.' He requested while being excited about his new strength.

[Beep! Stats calculated. Displaying new status.] [Matthew Mason, Wizard(Rank 2), Strength: 2.5, Agility: 2.6, Vitality: 2.8, Magical Energy: 92.3, Status: Healthy and Energized]

'My Physical Stats also got a bit boosted by approximately 0.3. But I finally broke through the Bottleneck and my Magical Energy Level rose by over 10 alone through the Maturation and I should be now able to reach a level of around 200 before I would reach a bottleneck again.' Cheered Matthew internally while checking out his new Status. 'But that's not all the energy feels denser and more potent than before. The strengths of my spells should also have risen.' Concluded Matthew as he felt the Energy flowing through his body.

'Well I will have to test my spells tomorrow carefully, if I can my magic again at an appropriate level, I then also should reapply my Occlumency training Spells again. But first I need to test my control so I don't screw it up and turn myself into a human vegetable.' Thought Matthew seriously while changing into his Pyjama so he could go to sleep.

After silently washing himself inside the family Bathroom, he quietly sneaked back into his room and entered his bed. A few minutes after closing his eyes he quickly fell asleep, although he felt energized his body was still exhausted from the long day.


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