End of Holidays

As Matthew arrived at home, he once again checked out the data he gathered on the Philosopher's Stone. According to Sarah's Scan, the Stone was a large concentration of crystallized energy. Specifically, Lifeforce, a form of energy inherent to all Living Beings, this form of energy was often used in the Dark Arts.

According to Sarah's Analysis, the Stone contained the Lifes force equal to multiple hundred thousand living beings. No wonder this stone was able to create something like an Elixir of Life, it was pure Life force after all. This wasn't purely Alchemy, this was also a large part of blood magic. Instead of transmuting only metal into gold, it sacrifices Lifeforce to create the necessary particles that every metal was missing. But how did Nicholas Flamel create a crystallized Stone of it? And where did he get all this Life force from? After all, if he killed so many people that would be known. Instead of a famous immortal alchemist, he would be known as one of the most terrifying Dark Lords in history.

'How did he do it?' wondered Matthew as he comprehended the true meaning of the data, 'Wait! Nicholas Flamel was born approximately in 1327. Between 1346 and 1353 that's when the Black Death killed over 25 Million People in Europe. He was around 20 years old and just out of school, as a talented wizard, it wasn't hard to create a ritual to create the Stone by sacrificing lives. A few hundred thousand more death wouldn't matter among Millions of Death during the Black Death Pandemic and nobody would even question it if sone right. By Merlins saggy balls. Nicolas Flamel was just a Dark Lord, that succeeded with his aspiration without anybody knowing the truth. Until now. Probably only I know the Truth but Dumbledore may be too. That's why he was so happy to let the Flamel's die. Now everything makes sense.' Concluded Matthew as he realized the Truth about the Immortal alchemist.

'So I will have to change my plans. I don't need to save another Dark Lord. Originally I wanted to become his Student and gain access to his century-old collection of books by secretly saving the Stone and returning it to him.' Complained Matthew mentally, 'Well I still can locate his books after he dies. And his largest secret is such a simple solution to immortality that just makes him disappointing, he probably picked up some useful knowledge over the centuries but it's not worth it. I could create such a ritual myself but everyone would label me a dark lord and I don't want to rely on the Elixir of Life.' Mused Matthew.

'Well, I should still probably steal the Stone, after all why waste so many Lives? If nobody wants it I can take it. It's still a useful magical Object. And creating a realistic decoy should be simple, after all, it's contained Life Force inside a crystallized stone made of the blood of thousands of people. But once it's destroyed the Lifeforce would disperse and everything that remains is crystallized Blood splitters.' Decided Matthew as he planned his future, 'I will just have to preserve the timeline, so I have to steal it after Christmas and I still need to create a method to bypass the Mirror.'

After Matthew finished his plans, he joined his Parents to Dinner and spend the rest of the day with them, since he would be still busy the next month before he returns to Hogwarts.

~ Scene Break ~

The next few weeks were a busy time for Matthew, he spent a lot of time inside his room where he created in one corner a permanent Laboratory. With the help of Transfiguration he transformed some wood he picked up after visiting his father at work into a desk, a potion preparation station, and some drawers where he would keep his notes. Afterward, he created a fireplace for four different Cauldrons, so he could work on multiple things similarly. He couldn't create more since even though his room was large, it still was limited. He still wasn't able to expand his room with magic, this was a rather complex branch of magic that fell into the category of Space magic, and unfortunately not available in the Hogwarts Library. There was an expansion charm but it only worked on smaller objects like trunks, and a room would collapse in itself.

This kind of magic was unfortunately family magic, that people kept to themselves. He could figure out how it worked but it would cost him at least a few months, there was no point to it currently since the space he had at the moment was enough. But he should get one of the House trunks, like Newt Scamander had one, in the future. Analyzing one would probably cut down the time he needed massively since they were different from expansion charms and most likely the magic he needed, but they were expensive as hell. It would most likely cost him his whole Vault, so he choose to wait a bit and rather save his money for now.

After he completed his Laboratory he began with his research, while he still continued with his experiments on Souls and the strange stone, they became a side project for now. The first main Objective during the rest of his Holidays was to create and fake philosopher stone, which was only distinguishable if you understand the real stone and how it was made or actually wanted to use it. Once it was destroyed nobody would be able to tell the difference.

For that, he definitely needed one ingredient that was a bit troublesome to get, human blood. Yes, he could use his own but he didn't want to. And it would be more realistic if he could get multiple different blood samples of different people. Since the Original was also created from the blood of thousands of different people.

Luckily this was something he should be able to buy in Knockturn Alley, this was after all something Vampires needed, which were some of the residents of the shady alley. After a short trip to the Alley, he was able to acquire different kinds of blood samples. He visited multiple different stores to acquire a wide range of different blood, amongst them the Apothecary he visited previously.

The next few weeks were spent with trying different methods to create a possibly realistic stone. One of the materials he added was pure iron since iron was contained in blood, with it he was able to lower his need for blood and substitute it with it. He also added some salt and sand to create the crystallization, afterward for the final stone he only needed to purify some magical ingredients so he would get the magical radiation from it. In the end, he was able to create a realistic stone with the help of Sarah.

With that his main goal was complete, but he still had a few days before the next year in Hogwarts began. The rest of the Holidays he began to research the remaining magical essence he had, after all finding a method to strengthen himself was always needed even though he had just recently completed a magical maturation. Unfortunately, his Azure Corn Potion lost its effect, it was simply too weak. And the low-grade magical essence was too weak to create a more potent potion. But all his experiments failed, and in a few days, he found no real solution. But in the end, he still had time since he just broke through and had a lot of space to grow. He was after all far superior to anyone his age, and before Voldemort returned he had enough time to reach a level of strength that guarantees his survival.


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