Heist 2

Matthew walked through the next dimly lit Passageway, a familiar disgusting smell filled his nostrils. 'Well another troll waiting for me… At least I can practice my earth spells on him.' Laughed Matthew mentally not a bit bothered by the upcoming fight. After all, it was only another dumb troll, they may be Spell resistant but blunt force still harms them fine.

At the end of the Passageway was another massive wooden door waiting for him, as he opened the Door his eyes met with the eyes of a troll even larger than the last one he fought on Halloween. The big and ugly Creature began to roar the moment it spotted Matthew and instantly swung his big wooden club in his direction. Thanks to his regular exercise Matthew was able to dodge the attack with a quick jump succeeded by a roll.

He quickly obscured the Sight of the Troll by summoning a dust and dirt cloud before the Troll. It was one of the Earth Spell he created in the last week. The distraction gave him enough time to gather enough magical energy to cast the large stone fist spell. Similar to its energy-based counterpart it was strong enough to physically harm the resilient creature through blunt force. The Troll got pushed back and lost its footing, but Matthew didn't stop his attacks, he began to shoot multiple Stone Projectiles at the troll's head. Soon the dumb creature layed on the floor knocked out.

'That was close, I really need to improve my reaction speed and senses. If I were a bit slower I would have been meat paste.' Thought Matthew while he caught his breath. He quickly began to repair the damages to the room, since he didn't want to alarm the Teachers that someone had already stolen the Stone while keeping an eye on the knocked-out troll. The Troll should wake up soon since it was only knocked out and thanks to its rough and thick skin it didn't take any damage. Once everything was back as it was before he walked through the next door into the next room.

It was a wide but empty room with only a wooden table in the center of it. On the Table were seven differently shaped bottles standing in a line.

"Let's what kind of Potions did Professor Snape prepare." Muttered Matthew as he approached the table. The moment he stepped through the door over the threshold a purple fire ignited behind him. On the other end of the Room, the way forward was blocked by another fire with black-colored flames.

Since he knew the Flames would appear he wasn't bothered by their sudden appearance he continued straight to the table. He also ignored the roll of paper lying next to the bottles since he already knew the solution to the Logic Puzzle Snape created. After all thanks to Sarah, he had a total Recall of the Harry Potter Books. Matthew was more interested in the Potion and the Flames since there were not many Fire-based Spells in the Hogwarts Library.

In the two longest bottles was nettle wine, while in the three mid-sized one was a poison. After analyzing each of the Poison Bottles Matthew quickly lost interest in them. They were only relative Common Poison although deadly, every student would need to create antidotes to in their fifth year.

The rounded bottle and the smallest bottle were far more interesting, this was potions Snape created personally. Each of the Potions contained countered the curses contained in their respective Flames. The Flames were cursed similar to Fiendfyre but weaker. They were also resilient to any form of extinguishing or flame resistance that isn't exactly designed for the flames and its curses, only the predefined enchantment cast by the Flame creator himself, in this case, Snape could extinguish them. After letting Sarah Analyze the flames and their enchantments he also gathered a bit of the Potion to experiment later with it.

The Room would reset itself once nobody was longer alive inside it, the only way to leave the room, at least for Common Wizards was through the Flames so either you died or used the correct Potion. The Vials were also so enchanted that they would refill themselves once the Room was reset. After confirming his theory Matthew took the smallest Vial and gulped down the whole Potion.

It was as Ice flooded his whole body from tip to toe. He stepped into the dark flames, they engulfed his whole body but he couldn't feel them. Strangely enough, they were enchanted so they wouldn't harm his Clothes which was a weakness that he could use to bypass them if he didn't have the Potion. He could transfigure himself with a timed rune formation into the fabric and throw himself through the flames. Once the Timer run out he would transform back. The flames were so dark that he didn't see anything while continuing forward.

The Last Chamber was a brightly lit large round Room, with the Mirror of Erised in its Center. There was nothing else special about it. He didn't locate any further enchantments, all that was here were the enchantments on the Mirror. In Matthews Opinion this was a wasted chance since Dumbledore could easily use the Room to trap the Wraith of Voldemort here until he found a way to kill him. So many lives could have been saved that way.

He walked to the Mirror and took out the fake Philosopher Stone he created during the Summer Holidays. After scanning the Complete Enchantments he was happy that he prepared a backdoor beforehand since he was now sure there was no real way for him to get the Stone now. He placed the fake over the Rune formation and channeled his magic into the runes, they began to glow and the Stone in his hands disappeared and another one appeared and the Runes on the Mirror dissipated. The History books about the Flamels always described it as Ruby Red in color but it was more akin to a deep blood red. Once he hold the Stone ín his hands he could feel the power inside the Stone. He quickly stored the Stone in a sack he enchanted with Runes to hide it from someone else sensing it. After placing the Stone in his Trunk he opened a Portal close to the Ravenclaw Tower and left the Chamber without leaving any trace behind.

Matthew silently stepped into the dorm he shared with his friends to not wake them up. But they were currently sitting on their bed and waiting for him. As they stared at him as he opened the Door Roger began to ask, "Where were you, Matthew?"

"I needed to go to the Bath, Sorry for waking you up guys." He replied with an apologetic look.

"So you were in the Bathroom for almost three hours? Don't lie to us, Matthew. You can share the truth with us." Answered Blake slightly angry.

"I am sorry guys, but you know I love Magic. And the Teachers only rarely give pre-OWL Students access to the Restricted Section. I sometimes use the night to sneak into it and do a bit more reading on more advanced topics or some topics frowned on." Lied Matthew with an actual half-lie since he often did that in the past.

"So you study Dark Magic? Are you sure that is a smart thing to do? Asked a worried Harold.

"There is no Dark Magic." scoffed Matthew, "This is a purely made-up thing by the Ministry to restrict Magic that can be easily abused or is too dangerous in their opinion. Magic is all about intent you can even torture or kill someone with a tickling charm or a levitation spell." Explained Matthew.

"That may be true, but there is a reason why some books are in the restricted section. They could exhaust your magic. That's why they are only available for older students. You should be careful Matthew." Explained Roger.

"I know but the Theory is still interesting. I am very Careful in my exploration of Magic. A wand is like a gun and normally you don't give guns to Children but in the magical world, everyone walks around with a Wand. I was always aware of the Dangers once I started in Hogwarts. Come let's go to sleep since I am spent." Said Matthew as he lay down on his bed. "Goodnight Guys. Don't worry I am very careful. You know me." He said as he closed his eyes.


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