Visiting Hagrid

Matthew was currently walking to Hagrid's hut, he had a really good mood today. Just now on his way down through the Castle, he spotted how Harry and Ron pressed their Ear against the forbidden door on the third floor to check if Fluffy was still alive. They were now pretty sure that Professor Snape would soon steal the Philosopher Stone, while Hermione actually suspected Quirell.

How did he know that? Well, Matthew continuously practices the Mind Arts every day, his mastery over Occlumency also improved his Legillimency in which he reached a new level. He was now able to scan surface thoughts of unprotected minds without alarming or harming them. And his recent scanning of their minds showed that Harry recently spotted how Snape threatened Quirrell, which confirmed his Suspicion. While Hermione really started to suspect a Teacher, because she realized that Quirrell's stutter was fake. Apparently, she remembered that natural stutter only occurs at the beginning of a sentence, not in the middle or end of it.

He was currently heading for Hagrids hut for a small visit, which he did from time to time because of events like today. Another piece of information he picked from Harry's thoughts was that they met Hagrid acting strangely in the Library today searching for books in the Dragon section. That meant the events around the Dragon egg began, and Matthew obviously wouldn't miss seeing the real-life breeding of a Dragon. It was valuable data he only could gather in other countries since Britain didn't have any Dragon Reserves where they were bred. There were only some Common Welsh Green and Hebridean Blacks in the wilds watched by the Ministry, but that was too risky to just casually study them.

Once he arrived at the hut of the Gamekeeper he knocked on the massive wooden door. "The Door is open come in you three!" came the reply from inside.

Matthew opened the door and entered the hut, "Hello Hagrid, I don't know which three you mean but it's just me today I came over for a small visit." he greeted politely.

"Oh Matthew it's you, came for a visit huh? Come in I may find a cup of tea or two for you." Said Hagrid as Matthew entered the small hut that was currently very warm, almost hot. 'So Hagrid is currently nesting the Dragon. Sarah scan and records all the Data about the Dragon egg currently in the iron pot on Hagrids fireplace.' Requested Matthew.

It didn't take long before another knock came from the wooden door interrupting their chat. "It must be Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They also wanted to visit today." Said Hagrid as he opened the door. "Hello, you three come quickly in."

"Hello what brings you three here?" asked Matthew who got spotted by the golden trio.

"Eh hello, Matthew." Greeted Harry, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh just visiting Hagrid. I do that occasionally. And you dodged my question what you three were doing here?" replied Matthew with a smirk.

"Ehm we were here to ask Hagrid a few questions about the Stone." Replied Hermione.

"SHHHHHH. Did yeh lose your mind. Yeh can' tell everybody abou' the stone." Said a panicking half-giant.

"Hehe don't worry Hagrid. I knew long before the three of the Philosopher Stone. It was me who told them about Nicholas Flamel. I even already stole the Stone." Said Matthew while laughing.

"WHAT!?" the other four shouted.

"Just joking. Man guys. Don't be so tense. I already cast a privacy charm, so nobody will listen in." Continued Matthew.

They continued to ask Hagrid about the Stone until Harry felt it was too hot inside the hut, "Well, that's something," Harry muttered to the others. "Hagrid, can we have a window open? I'm boiling."

"Can't, Harry, sorry," said Hagrid. Harry noticed him glance at the fire. Harry looked at it, too.

"Hagrid — what's that?"

"Ah," said Hagrid, fiddling nervously with his beard, "That's — er..."

"Oh, Hagrid seems to have acquired a Dragon egg. I was checking it out for a while now." Interrupted Matthew Hagrids nervous fiddling. As a black egg appeared below the lit of the pot.

"Where did you get it, Hagrid?" said Ron, crouching over the fire to get a closer look at the egg. "It must've cost you a fortune."

"Won it," said Hagrid. "Las' night. I was down in the village havin' a few drinks an' got into a game o' cards with a stranger. Think he was quite glad to get rid of it, ter be honest."

"But what are you going to do with it when it's hatched?" said Hermione.

"Well, I've bin doin' some readin'," said Hagrid, pulling a large book from under his pillow. "Got this outta the library —Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit — it's a bit outta date, o' course, but it's all in here. Keep the egg in the fire, 'cause their mothers breathe on I em, see, an' when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour. An' see here — how ter recognize diff'rent eggs — what I got there's a Norwegian Ridgeback. They're rare, them."

He looked very pleased with himself, but Hermione didn't.

"Hagrid, you live in a wooden house," she said.

But Hagrid wasn't listening. He was humming merrily as he stoked the fire. Soon they left Hagrid's hut very worried, Matthew followed after confirming that Hagrid would call them once the Dragon would hatch.

He and Hermione headed for the Ravenclaw Tower.

"Don't worry Hermione. Everything will be fine. See it as an opportunity, how many times will you see a real Dragon. Or even see one hatch. This is an event you won't see often in your life." Tried Matthew to pacify the bushy-haired girl.

"But Hagrid could land in Prison. The breeding of Dragons is outlawed in Britain." She continued to rant.

"If it comes worst to worst. We will find a way to help Hagrid. Rons and the Twin's older brother Charlie works as Dragon Handler in Romania now. I am sure he is able to help us out. And if worse comes then I am sure Headmaster Dumbledore will be also able to help us out. He is a very Resourceful man."

~ Scene Break ~

While waiting for the egg to hatch Matthew continued with his experiments on the Stone and his training in earth magic. Although the exam phase was also approaching he didn't really need to study much. His understanding of theoretical magic was superior to any teacher and his practical skills were beyond OWL if not NEWT level.

[Beep! Congratulations Host you reached the fourth level of earth magic. Your understanding of the Law of Earth reached one percent.]

'Finally.' Thought Matthew, 'Now I can test out my theory and combine both elements. This should accelerate my understanding and mastery of both elements.' Hoped Matthew as he continued on with his training.

He started to melt down some Stones tried to control the resulting Lava. It took him a few tries but his combined understanding of fire and earth helped him succeed. In that manner of fashion, he continued to practice the Lava element during his waiting times for his experiments on the Stone.

One particular Afternoon he succeeded in summoning Lava. Similar to the Aquamenti charm but just with Lava and without a particular spell.

[Beep! Hosts' understanding of the Law of Fire reached 3% and the Law of Earth 2%.]

'Yes, it works. But it still takes time. Sarah can you estimate what level of understanding Dumbledore and Voldemort have reached?' he asked.

[According to the gathered data, it should be around 20% and 25% of each element. This Value is based on hosts' progression and capabilities. An more accurate estimation can be made with more data.]


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