Tears of Blood

"Snape wants the Stone for Voldemort… and Voldemort's waiting in the forest... and all this time we thought Snape just wanted to get rich..." explained a scared Harry to Matthew in a silent corner of the Library.

"So let me get that right. You saw someone or something drinking Unicorn Blood in the Forbidden Forest." Pretended Matthew to analyze the Situation, "That's Insane! Not you Harry. The Person who drinks Unicorn Blood must be insane and accepts to live a cursed life. Only someone who would be sure to find a way to counter the curse of an Insane Person would do that."

"Yes, I know. It's Voldemort, the Centaurs told me and Snape must be stealing the Stone for him. The Elixir of Life must be able to counter the Curse." Harry tried to blame Snape again.

"I don't think so. Snape was a teacher at Hogwarts for years, and I know personally that he is actually a good person who needs to pretend to be a Bad Person because of Politics. He helps me often with advanced Potion knowledge while pretending to give me detentions. It must be someone else. Also, I don't believe the Elixir of Life would counter the Cursed Life Unicorn Blood gives." Explained Matthew; "Only if… hmmm… what if Voldemort didn't die when the Killing Curse got repelled by you, but instead only lost his body. He may be possessing someone in the Castle, and that someone is just a disposable Pawn drinking Unicorn Blood to keep Voldemort alive who will create a new Body with the Elixir of Life?"

"That… that makes actually a lot of sense… maybe Snape is possessed…" murmured Harry who raced of to find Ron.

"Well, that could have gone better. He is really stubborn." Sighed Matthew as he saw the boy leaving the Library, 'Well maybe he will develop a more critical thinking ability after he meets Quirrel in the Mirror Chamber. Well not that it matters my Potion is ready tonight. Not like I will have to help them fight Quirrelmort.' Thought Matthew as he returned to Cho who was doing her Homework.

"What did Harry want?" she asked.

"He was a bit panicking because he found out what was behind the forbidden Door on the Third floor. I had to pacify him a bit." Explained Matthew, "Let's focus on our Work."

~ Scene Break ~

[Beep! Potion perfectly brewed, no Problems found!]

Matthew heard Sarah's mechanic Voice in his mind while holding and observing a Vial with a blue glowing concoction inside. On the table were another 15 Vials of the Potion waiting for him. 'Finally, it's ready. Sarah, how often can I use the Potion?'

[According to my Calculation. The first three Potions should be consumed every 2 Weeks in order to not strain the Body. From then on the Potion can be consumed Weekly since the effect won't be as strong anymore and the body will be acclimated to it.]

'That means I have enough Potions for the rest of the Year until the beginning of the next year. For the Rest of the Year, I should focus on creating Raw Materials with the Stone so I can stock up on the Stones Products. It's May already and the Exams are in their final Phase. Soon the Confrontation between Harry and Voldemort will happen and the Year will end. The Flamels will run out at the end of June of Potions and die, so I have four weeks.' Analyzed Matthew.

In view of that, Matthew started to extract another batch of High-grade magical essence since the process takes some time before he prepared a bed in a corner of the Room of Requirements where he would consume the Tears of Blood potion.

Once he sat in a comfortable position on the bed he gulped the blue content of the Vial down. A warm feeling spread through his body, but especially in the center of his body slightly below his heart. He could feel the concentration of magic rising massively.

[Beep! The massive increase in magical energy registered. 120… 136… 140… 143…]

This Potion didn't cause any pain in his body, only heat. But he felt some kind of strain on his soul thanks to his heightened Control and perception through his Occlumency. After a few minutes, the heat in his body calmed down.

[Potion effect finished. Congratulations, the Host reached the magical energy level of a Young Adult with a new Value of 162.5.]

"Wow, that was a massive increase in Power." He muttered in amazement.

'But the effect will be less and less with every Potion consumed.' He thought, 'And this was the only Potion I could take before the conflict between Harry and Quirrelmort happens.' He thought seriously, 'Sarah show me my Status.'

[Beep! Stats calculated. Displaying new status.] [Matthew Mason, Wizard(Rank 2), Strength: 2.7, Agility: 2.7, Vitality: 2.9, Magical Energy: 162.5, Law of Fire: 4%, Law of Earth: 3%, Law of Wind: 1%, Status: Healthy and Energized]

'Well, the results for my work this School year are not bad. Not that I reached the fourth level with three different elements I should be able to take on a subpar Wizard-like Quirrel if the Worst case scenario happens and Harry is in danger. Since he isn't really a capable Wizard, he seriously didn't use his wand while fighting Harry in the books, but instead tried to choke him with his own hands.' He thought as he finished the magical essence extraction.

~ Scene Break ~

Over the course of the next few weeks, Matthew worked continuously on the Philosopher Stone. Getting as many raw ingredients from it as he could Store. He also created a big amount of Gold so he would be able to buy some things he directly needed, his Trunk was getting awfully full so he had to enchant a few enchanted bags to carry more stuff. But he limited the amount of Gold he created so he wouldn't destroy the economy which would earn him many enemies. He just created enough to gain the resources he needed in the close Future.

One evening he had to hurriedly leave the Room of Requirements through a Portal because he got interrupted by Quirrelmort. It was soon time for him to finally try to steal the Stone, so he most likely was guided by Voldemort to quickly check on his Horcrux. Quirrel had probably no idea what he was even doing in the Room and all the Information would die with him since he wouldn't survive the week.

The rest of the inhabitants of the School were distracted by their final exams, Matthew completed his exams without trouble. Once their Exams were finished Hermione was panicking about all the things she forgot about in her Hermione-esque fashion. Without a doubt, she would only get Outstandings. Cho must have completed her exams also nicely since she always looked happy.

After their exams were finished he was with Hermione on the way to the great hall for dinner until he heard a pair of loud footsteps coming closer, "Hermione, Matthew!" he heard Harry's voice coming from a corner followed closely by the Redheaded Ron who was slightly out of breath.

'Shit. I really got involved in the Main event.' Thought Matthew as he listened to Harry's explanation.


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