New base and the Soul

Matthew just finished setting up his brand new House Trunk. He moved every one of his important Possessions inside his new portable living and workspace. First, he set up the layout of the Trunk, the Shopkeeper showed him how he can connect and move the different Rooms when he collected his new Trunk.

The Ladder into the Trunk ended in one of the four middles-sized Rooms he ordered and had the purpose of a hallway connecting the different areas. On the left side was a door the lead into his living area. It was made of two middle-sized Rooms, one of them was a basic kitchen slash living Room with another Room that lead into the bedroom.

He transfigured furniture from some wood he collected from a close-by forest. Only the mattress was something he actually bought in a store and was of really high quality. Also, there was a nice new perch for Morgana in there he purchased in Diagon Alley while collecting his Trunk. The foe glass he found under Azkaban was also hanging on the Wall, he already studied it while waiting for his Trunk to finish.

It showed some Slytherin Students he recognized as Warrington and his friends, they were of no Consequences to him since they were too weak and stupid to do anything, no what troubled him was another shade on the glass which was still far away but he couldn't guess who it was since he kept low key the whole time. Nightmare and that creator of the Scrolls didn't appear on the Glass, they were probably too powerful to be sensed by such a weak artifact. Currently, there was not much else of his Personal Stuff there since he didn't want to clear out his bedroom only some Clothes were there. After all, he wanted to keep it a secret that his Trunk was a house trunk, and the thoughts of his Parents weren't protected.

On the right side of the Hallway was another Door, that lead into his working area. It connected to one of the Large Rooms that now served as a Laboratory slash Study with a Library area where he would keep his rare books or written works. The room had three doors one leading into another large Room which was his new Storage Room. He stocked that Room up with Space extended cabinets where he added stasis and safety enchantments. He figured that out a long while ago after analyzing his original Trunk. Although it was forbidden to put an expanded Space into another because they would cause an unstable Space reaction and collapse, the wasn't an expanded space but a Pocket Space. According to his analysis, it was the smaller version of a Pocket Dimension that was easily movable, while a Pocket Dimension was far larger it would require a massive amount of energy to move or even create. According to legends, only powerful Wizards like Merlin or Morgana Le Fay managed to create Pocket Dimension and the knowledge was lost to Wizard kind.

He moved almost his complete Stock of ingredients, metals, materials, Potions, and unimportant books he didn't want to throw away into the new Storage and it wasn't even 10% filled. The Horcrux and the Scroll were also stored in a safely locked cabinet inside their respective containment boxes. He decided he would spend the rest of the Time before he returned the Stone creating as many materials with the Philosopher Stone as possible. Only some basic Potions were left in the Trunk like for healing and so on.

Another door let into one of the Small Rooms he was now using it as a Ritual Room with a lot of containment and Protections enchantments and Runes on it. Now he wouldn't need to use the Room of Requirements or a secret Corridor anymore for any of his Rituals or magical maturities.

The last door lead into the last middle-sized room, which still had no purpose. Last but not least was a door in the middle of the hallway that lead into the last small room, it was one of the most important rooms, the bathroom. It was stocked with a simple toilet he enchanted with a vanishing charm vanishing all the waste and a rudimentary shower and sink using water summoning formations.

~ Scene Break ~

"So that how it is." Murmured Matthew he was currently coping up in his new Laboratory reviewing the Data he had on Souls and searching for ways to heal it. On a side note, he found out after analyzing the Data on the three Unforgivables that they were Soul magic. That's the reason why they were the Unforgivables and not something like a Blood boiling charm, they either controlled, tortured, or destroyed the Soul of the target.

As for ways to heal his currently damaged Soul, well he had one but he was unsure if he should use it. His research showed that the Soul was made of two parts, soul energy is a powerful form of energy that a Soul generated naturally similar to magical energy but every living being had it and it was much harder to use. And the second part was Soul essence, it was a higher form of Soul energy containing the consciousness of a Person and basically made up the body or Core of the Soul and was protected by soul Energy. That was what was currently damaged inside Matthew. While casting the fire Patronus and destroying Nightmare's body he used a part of his Soul Essence instead of the energy because of his lacking control since he didn't master his third Occlumency level yet.

Currently, the way for him to heal it was to add new Soul essence to his Soul. The problem was he couldn't produce it himself. He tried but he was unable to find a way, so the only way was his second method. Devouring the Horcrux.

He devised with Sarah's help a Ritual that allows him to basically absorb the Horcrux from its Container and add the Soul essence to his Soul, additionally he would gain all the Memories inside the Horcrux which could be interpreted as good or bad. Voldemort had a lot of knowledge and experience but did also some really disgusting and horrendous things. Which made Matthew unsure if he should proceed with it.

"Are you sure Sarah, that there is no way to use the Life energy inside the Philosopher Stone to heal my soul?" he asked his AI Chip.

[Negative! Life Essence and Soul Essence are two fundamentally different forms of energy, although they are both required for Human Life. Life Essence represents the Physical Aspect of Life necessary for the body to Survive. While Soul Essence is necessary for the Spiritual aspect. For example, Ekzidris found a way to replenish the Life essence inside his body which made it immortal but he didn't manage the same with his Soul which lead to its degeneration slowly. Although a Soul with enough control can survive without a body at least temporarily, the amount of time depends on how powerful the Soul is. With enough power host could become a being of Pure energy, at least theoretically all the collected data supports that.]

"I see… So basically I am facing a similar Problem as Ekzidris but I have somewhat a Solution for now, and Ekzidris had Centuries and didn't manage to create Soul Essence. I don't believe I would manage that before Hogwarts, no not even during the six years I have time. Well, let's do it, I will bear with the uncomfortable memories, they will probably harden my resolve. At least you are able to remove the emotions from it, but you are still part of my soul and all memories are a part of me. Let's do it."


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