Start of the 4th Year

After the older Students settled in the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall arrived with the new first-year Students not much later. The new Students were tiny from Matthew's perspective, all of them were awed by the Sight of the Great Hall and the ancient Castle. You could see the glimmer of exploration in their eyes. At the same time, they were unsure and scared of how they would be sorted into their new houses.

The Sorting Ceremony was like every year, the hat started with its 'impressive' vocal prowess. Once he finished Professor Mcgonnagall began to call out the new Students in alphabetical order so they could get sorted to their houses. There were no Surprises this year, no Ginny in Slytherin, and so on. Ginny landed like every Weasley in Gryffindor and Luna became a Ravenclaw, the only house you would expect of her. Luna was just made for Ravenclaw, no she was a true incarnation of Ravenclaw with her high intelligence, wisdom beyond her years, her creativity, and especially her open mind for learning all kinds of new things. The only other notable person that got sorted was Colin Creewey the Fanboy of Harry who also got sorted into Gryffindor, although the names Demelza Robins and Ritchie Coote sounded familiar, they probably were mentioned in the Books, but Matthew didn't pay much attention to them.

Rather he was focused on the new Ravenclaw first years. To be precise how they already began to distance themselves from Luna after exchanging only a few words. It made Matthew frown how narrow-minded Wizarding Society was, although it was a bit understandable since Luna was a bit of a special case because of her abilities and genius intellect. 'I know I shouldn't care about it, but Luna's treatment by the other Student was always a sore spot for me when I read the Harry Potter books as a Child. But I have the knowledge and power to change it for the better why not use it. I already made changes to Canon so being Luna's friend wouldn't hurt. I absolutely won't tolerate any bullying in Ravenclaw. After all, our house should be unified, or was that talk about being a family only for show.' Decided Matthew.

The rest of the Welcoming feast wasn't really noteworthy, Matthew spent most of his time chatting with his Roommates about their Summers while enjoying the tasty food of the feast. Like every year the House-elves were surpassing themselves, although the food was a bit Conservative. 'Maybe I should gift the Elves a few international Cookbooks this year.' Mused Matthew as he enjoyed his food.

After finishing their meal including desserts, the plates vanished and Headmaster Dumbledore began with his traditional speech of staying out of the forest, no magic in the Corridors, and the rest of the Rules Filch the Caretaker wants that the Student's usually ignored.

Once they finished the School Song the Students led by their prefects left for their Common Rooms. Inside the Ravenclaw Common, Room Professor Flitwick was already waiting to welcome the new Students to the Castle and the old back. After his Speech of house Unity and the introduction he also left. Matthew and his Roommates headed for their Dormitory of this year, where their Luggage was already waiting for them. This was actually the first time for Matthew that the Elves transported his Trunk since his old Trunk was always shrunken on a Chain at his Neck. His Roommates also noticed the change from last year.

"Were you too lazy to carry your trunk yourself this year?" asked Roger with a grin.

"Nah, it is a new Trunk, it has some new Features unfortunately they don't work with a shrinking Enchantment." Explained Matthew.

"Wait the only Trunks who don't work with a Shrinking Charm are… You have a House Trunk???" asked Harold as he realized the Truth since he came from a Pure-blood family that owned multiple Businesses in Diagon Alley. Some of them are not quite legal, although nothing dark rather some members of his family trade with stolen goods. He is actually quite a useful contact to have. Thanks to his Family he was quite knowledgeable about different goods. "How did you afford one? They are at least 10000 Galleons a piece."

"Hellooo, Potions Genius you know." Replied Matthew while laughing, "My Potions sell quite well and I thought a House Trunk would be a useful investment."

After that topic was done the four friends chatted a bit before falling asleep.

~ Scene Break ~

Wednesday, 2nd September

Early in the morning Matthew finished his Workout Routine and headed for the Great Hall where he found Professor Flitwick with his Schedule. After receiving it he headed for the Ravenclaw Table to enjoy his Breakfast. It was quite early in the Morning, but Cho was already sitting at the Table. Matthew joined her for Breakfast.

"Good Morning Cho. Nice to see you, we hadn't much a chance to talk yesterday. How was your first night back in the Castle." Greeted Matthew as he loaded some grilled Sausages and scrambled Eggs onto his Plate.

"It was nice. Hogwarts just feels like Home." Replied the Asian girl.

"I know the feeling. There is just something about this place that is different." Said Matthew, since he also felt like Hogwarts was his Home. Living with his Parents in London felt more like a Vacation for him. After all, he spent the majority of his new Life in Hogwarts, this summer made it half a year that he spent in the non-magical world. He didn't know much of the things happening there since most of his focus where spent on magic. The only topic he was informed of was Science since it was useful for his magic research, the rest he knew enough from his past life.

"What do you have this Morning?" asked Matthew.

"Potion's with the Gryffindor's." Replied Cho.

"That's good, that way you will almost get the Slytherin treatment from Snape since he hates the Lions." Chuckled Matthew.

"Yes, that will be nice. And what do you have?" asked Cho as she peeked at his Schedule.

"Hmm, let me Check." Said Matthew as he opened his Schedule, once he read what he would have this morning he couldn't stop from grimacing and sighed in disappointment, "Damn, I have DADA with the Fraud. Just what I needed to start this year."

"Fraud?" asked Cho a bit confused.

"Well, Lockhart is in my opinion a Fraud. The stuff he wrote in his Books is total Bullshit. Although the deeds somehow happened, how he described them in his Books isn't possible. There is no way he could have wrestled with a Werewolf or any of the other stuff he wrote. Something about him is suspicious." Explained Matthew, "You should be careful around him Cho, don't stay alone with him in a room." He added a bit concerned, it was never mentioned in the Harry Potter Books since it was a series for Children, but him raping female Students and then Oblivating the deed just made too much sense.

"Don't worry I won't. But thank you for your concern." Smiled the girl, "I also don't like him too much makeup for an actual expert in defense."

"Hahaha, true." Laughed Matthew as he was actually impressed that she didn't get blinded by the Ponces Charm.

The rest of the Breakfast they spent idly chatting with each other. After a while, the rest of their friends joined them at their table. After Breakfast Matthew left with his Roommates for the DADA Classroom and their first wasted Lessons of the year.


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