
While Matthew had a nice evening with Cho on Valentines' Day, Harry's day went completely different. He was able to figure out how to communicate with Tom Riddle's Diary and learned that Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts for opening the Chambers of Secrets fifty years ago. A fact that he decided to keep for himself for now, since Hagrid was his friend and the attacks seemed to have calmed down, which was no wonder to Matthew since the Diary was currently in Harry's hands. The details he would only learn a few weeks later during the Easter break.

"Hmm, you guys need tips for your electives? Do you have already an idea in which direction you want to pursue a career in the future?" asked Matthew the golden trio as they had approached him about their electives.

"Does it really matter? Don't we have still plenty of time to decide on our future jobs? Let's just pick the easiest ones." grumbled Ron who was of the Opinion that choosing electives with the least amount of work was the best idea.

"That's stupid Ron. This Choice is actually very important. Although you can write any OWL you want, it will be hard to self-study for them for most people. And the right electives are actually a requirement for many Occupations in the Wizarding World. There are also some electives you can only pick after you finished your OWLs. Like Alchemy for example, for that, you would have to complete your Potion, Transfiguration, and Runes OWL." Explained Matthew.

"See Ron, so just picking Care for Magical Creatures and Divination is a bad idea." Added an annoyed Hermione who probably spent the last few hours arguing with the Lazy redhead.

"Yup, especially since one of them is the least useful option available, but didn't your Head of House already tell you that?" wondered Matthew.

"Professor Flitwick had a discussion with every second year Ravenclaw this week he was very helpful and knowledgeable, it helped me choose the best options for me. Although I am still a bit disappointed that I couldn't choose all electives. But at least I will still be able to take the OWLs in all of them." Explained Hermione.

"I see. So what did you pick?" asked Matthew the bushy-haired girl.

"Care for Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy."

"So, pretty much the best options for a Muggleborn. I have the same." Added Matthew, "And what did Professor McGonagall advise to you guys?" he asked as he looked at the two other boys.

"She handed us the formula and told us that the Choice is important for our future…" muttered Harry.

"That's it? No one on one conversation or career guidance with every Student?" asked Matthew a bit baffled, and go only a shaking of their head in reply, "Huh, the rumors are true that Professor McGonagall is pretty much overworked in her many Positions as Teacher, Head of House and Headmistress. Well, nothing I could change. Then let me give you at least a small introduction about the possibilities. So you had Divination and Care in mind?"

"Yes, they are the options with the least work to do." Nodded Ron.

"And with the least options for future jobs." Added Matthew slightly annoyed, "First of all Divination is completely useless for any of you. Somewhere over the last few Centuries, some minor details about the class seem to have gone lost or forgotten, you need to have the inner eye, a special talent or disposition like Parseltongue but more common. Different from Parseltongue it can appear in anyone although it is more likely in some family lines. But none of you have it. Did any of you ever space out and randomly tell a prophecy to someone or dream of a future event?" asked Matthew.

"Ehm, no. I don't think so?" replied Ron confused.

"Then if you really picked divination. You would have to spend the next few years inventing some prophecies in your Coursework. Although Divination is less work than the other options, it still is only a few hours less overall. You basically would have to waste a lot of your lifetime inventing answers for your homework instead of doing something productive. Next, there is Care of Magical Creatures. Not a bad option. Mostly useful for Occupations that have to do with Magical Animals like Dragonologist or Magizoologoists. But it is also useful for Hit-wizards or Aurors who sometimes have to take care of rampaging Creatures in their jobs. If you want to work in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures then it would also not hurt to have an OWL there." Explained Matthew.

"My brother is Dragonologist although his job is somewhat dangerous it could still be interesting. So I will definitely pick that." Said Ron.

"Ok, next there is Muggle Studies. Which is only useful for a job in the Ministry. For some reason, they love it if their applicants have an OWL there. The actual course is outdated by several decades. But easy to learn. So not a bad option for you Ron. It will look good on your Resume and your mom probably won't complain. If you had any questions you can ask either Hermione or Harry since they could easily help you. For you Harry it would be a complete waste of time. You actually could teach the Course yourself. This is one of the OWLs that you can complete without attending the Course. Basically a free Outstanding for you." Said, Matthew.

"I see. So what should I pick then? I would like to do Care but I still need a second option. Since Divination and Muggle Studies are out." Pondered Harry.

"Well, there is either Arithmancy or Ancient Runes. Both are a bit harder than the rest but the most valuable options. Arithmancy is a version of Math basically on the level of Muggle secondary education. Its main uses are for Predictions, Spell and potions Creations, and warding. Possible Job options would be in Curse Breaking, Warding, Enchantments, and the Department of Mysteries. The Department of Mysteries is a research department for Magic. In principles the Scientists for Magic. Arithmancy also looks good for any other Job even if it doesn't have much to do with it." Explained Matthew, "And lastly my actual recommendation for you, Ancient Runes. It's the Study of different Rune languages and their practical applications. It's useful for Warding, Enchanting, Spell creation, and also an alternative form of casting. While Arithmancy is a rather theoretical course, Ancient Runes is more practical. With a good OWL in Runes, you could easily work in the different branches like with Arithmancy but it also has a good practical aspect which is more useful for Aurors or Hit-wizards. In the end, the combination of Arithmancy and Runes is very useful, but still a lot of work." Explained Matthew.

"That's why I picked them. And I will also write the Muggle Studies OWL." Said Hermione.

"Hmm, I think both Arithmancy and Runes would be too much for me." Muttered Harry, "But you have good Arguments. Sirius also told me, my Mom and Dad, were actually very good in School. So I think I will pick Care for Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes like you suggested." Decided Harry.

"Good both of them are good choices." Agreed Matthew, "Do you guys have your forms here? We can fill them out and you can later give them to your Heads of House." Said, Matthew.

"I have mine here." Said Hermione as she took hers out of her bag.

"Me too." Added Ron.

"I forgot mine in the Dorm. I will be right back." Said Harry as he left the Library in direction of the Gryffindor Common Room.


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