Final Judgement

Matthew was happy that he watched the Loki series before he died in his last life or he would have been caught completely unprepared, although he was still unsure of how to escape without magic, and Sarah was still analyzing the Collar and working on possible solutions. This Room was the reason why Matthew had to drop his enchanted Pouch beforehand, so he can collect it later.

Inside the Room waited some kind of Robot with a Display face which showed its emotions in yellow color through simple emoticons, it got four mechanical arms that moved toward Matthew. It tried to grab Matthew's cloak and strip it of him.

"Is this really necessary? Can't I just keep my robes?" asked Matthew not really feeling the need for a change of clothes.

In response, the Robot only made insisting peeping sounds while displaying a determined face on the display. It pulled out another arm that looked like a laser gun, which began to glow at its tip in yellow color. Next moment it began to remove his Robes with a laser from top to bottom until Matthew stood there in all his natural glory with only the Collar of the TVA around his neck remaining.

Below him, a mechanical trap door opened and let him fall into the next room with a small surprised shout, even though he knew that would happen. Clothed again in Grey prisoner Clothes with the Logo of the TVA on the right side of his chest, he landed in an office. There was a desk with a stack of paper on it, a printer, and a strange Clock on the Wall. The Clock had many clock hands pointing at different times, but all of them stood still. Behind the desk sat another Member of the TVA with Glasses, who stared seriously at Matthew before talking to him.

"Please sign that this is everything you ever said." Asked the Office worker with seriousness as he put a pencil on the stack of papers and pushed it towards Matthew.

"Are you serious?" asked Matthew and moments later the printer began to print.

The Office worker put the new paper on top of the stack, "This too."

"I will have to confirm that before I sign it." Said Matthew with a smile and began reading from the bottom after the next paper got added.

'Man, they are really brainwashed he waited here patiently while I was reading this. Or are this just some Mind Games of he who remains to mess with his prisoners or even for his own amusement?' Mused Matthew as he looked up after a while once he confirmed what he wanted to know, 'They only have records of Matthew Mason not from my past life. From his first words until now. So they don't know that I am a reincarnated person. At least I hope so. I need to gather more information.' He thought once he finally signed the Papers.

In the next moment, he again fell through a mechanical trapdoor and landed in another Room. Inside was a midget standing behind a device that looked similar to a Scanner at the airport.

"Please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being, were born an organic creature, and do in fact possess what many cultures would call a soul." Asked the midget in a bored voice.

"I have a Soul. But out of curiosity, what would happen if I were a Robot?" asked Matthew amused.

"The Machine would melt you from the inside out. Now please move through sir."

Matthew just shrugged, "Still better than to complete an annoying Captcha."

After a short blinding flash of light, Matthew was through the Machine, and it put an image of his temporal aura out. Which the Midget took and put it into Matthew's file. While Matthew watched it with a serious look.

"Please move through the Door, Sir."

Matthew arrived in an area designated for long queues of people, with a slalom marked through bands. But he was alone there besides two armed guards of the TVA.

"Take a ticket."

After Matthew got his ticket from the vending machine he entered through a turnstile into the queue area and began to walk through it as Miss Minutes appeared on a Screen.

"Hey there, Welcome to the Time Variance Authority. I'm Miss Minutes." Explained the animated Orange Clock on the Screen.

'So the welcomes are designed for each individual to mess with them. Or is Miss Minutes an AI? At least this whole complex is designed like a Government building just to mess with people.' thought Matthew as he realized that the welcome he got was different from Loki's.

After he watched the long explanation and half-truth about the TVA and their purpose to of preventing a Multiversal war by controlling the Sacred Timeline designated by the 'All-knowing Timekeepers' by taking out variants, people they deem criminal for not following their designated path he finally arrived at the other end of the room. Where he got welcomed by another clerk who will lead him into the courtroom where his fate will be decided.

~ Scene Break ~

"Mason, Variant M0001, AKA Matthew Mason is charged with sequence violation 8-01-04. How do you plead?" asked the Judge.

The Judge was Ravonna Lexus Renslayer also formerly known as Hunter A-23 was a Latin Woman who was one of the first variants captured by He Who Remains and turned into a TVA operative. Currently, she was one of the Highest Ranking members after the 'Timekeepers' aka He Who Remains.

"Innocent, Madam." Replied Matthew politely as he stood before the Judge on his own Podium.

"Oh really? And why do you think so?" she asked amused.

"First of all, I corrected the Timeline. I divined that Hermione Granger was never meant to die through the Basilisk. Since she will play an important role in the future of the Wizarding World." Explained Matthew.

"Whether Hermione Granger lives or dies isn't of concern. The fate of the Wizarding World thanks to their isolation from the rest of the Universe is unimportant." Replied Ravonna matter of factly.

"Then why am I even here? If the Wizarding World doesn't matter?"

"We are not here to talk about the Wizarding World. They were of no consequence until now. Whether Hermione Granger died of life fits into the Sacred Timeline. It was supposed to happen how it did. You changing it not!" she explained.

"What!? Me changing it?"

"Yes, you are the Problem. You discovered the ability to create alternative timelines, in order to create a better timeline for yourself. Would you have stopped at the one interference?" She asked matter of factly.

"Uh…" Matthew realized where the problem lay. If he had the ability to change the future to his advantage he would abuse the shit out of it. Using a time-turner for more time was no problem. But changing the past with it creates every time a new timeline and would alarm the TVA at some point since there would be without a doubt a future with an alternate version of Kang.

"A wizard manipulating time is extremely dangerous for the Sacred Timeline. That's why they get reset every time without a doubt. How do you plead?" she asked one last time.

"Not guilty! Why would you have the right to decide the future of the Multiverse?" asked Matthew angry.

"Because the Timekeepers dictate so. The court finds you guilty, and I sentence you to be reset. Next case please." She said as one of the Guards stepped forward with their time-stick in their hands.

Matthew tried to run away but thanks to the Collar got reset into his previous position just before he got stuck by the Time-stick. His body began to dissipate in white light and Matthew disappeared from the Courtroom.


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