
Chapter 3

"Mom...."he pouted

"what son? you do not want to school but you dream becoming like my boss?? no that is ridiculous" Helen said with disappointment in her eyes.

"Mom i can do that some other way..but school,No!!"

"suit yourself son"

"Mom You work,i cook okay???"

Helen looked at her stupid son and shook her head and started walking away...

"Where are you going to mom??" Mark asked as he saw his mom walking away.

"To sleep,i will be leaving for the office at noon,so i need to rest a bit" she replied and went back to her room.


At noon she Helen dresses and was leaving the house when Mark Ran to her

"Mom are you going"? he asked

"yes,the money you asked for in on the table...any other thing?" she asked

"thanks for the money mom,i want to go to the hotel with you please..just for today" he pleaded

"nope you not going to hotel with me" Helen spurned and entered her and drove off leaving him standing there pouting,he stomped his feet and went back inside the house. He took the money his mom left on the table and went to his room and laid on the bed,he fell asleep only to wake up late in the evening,he took a shower and left the house.

"hey guys waddup!" he greeted his friends as he entered the club.

"we were thinking you wouldn't come to work today Mark." Luke one of his friends said as he saw him coming,

"my mom left for work as usual early today and would be back tomorrow so i had to come....who is this guy?"

"my boyfriend Jason" Luke replied making Mark look surprised,

"what!!....what about the other one?" Mark could not help but ask,he wasn't surprised that Luke got a new boyfriend but the fact that it hasn't been long he started dating his boyfriend now his ex.

"wait let me tell you.... the last one cheated on him so he had to dump him" Jordan said

"why are you always been cheated on??" Mark asked and they all laughed except for Luke and his new boyfriend Jason,they didn't find anything funny so why would they laugh,they simply walked away and went back to their work leaving behind the laughing Mark and Jordan who looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders simultaneously. After working for an hour,the four friends sat down to rest and were having series of boys talk.

" Mark does your mom know you work here...in this club??" Luke asked,everyone turned their attention on the 'Man of the day' and waited for him to say something,they know his mom wouldn't take it lightly if she finds out that he works in a club.

"ehmm,No! she doesn't...and i don't plan on telling her either" he said

"I pray she doesn't find out,or else we all here will be in deep trouble,and i am not ready for that" Jordan said raising his hands in the air.

"she won't,trust me" Mark reassured them and they closed the topic.

"say,why not we go and have some drinks,before going back home" Jason suggested and they all agreed. They went to the bar section,and picked a bottle of Vodka,they started drinking until they were all drunk.

"Mark,I'll be go...going with Jason,so you and Jordan will be going home together bye" Luke said as he dragged his boyfriend and staggered away,

"Jason,don't worry about me,I'll be fine..just take care of your own self" he told his friend and staggered away as well,on getting to the door,he bumped into someone and was about to fall when he caught by the person he bumped into, looking up with his half closed eyes 'Logan Owens' he screamed mentally as he stared at the man widely with his dark blue eyes.