
Chapter 5

*ring ring rin....g*

Mark sleepily woke up and searched for his phone,he looked around and noticed he was not in his bedroom,turning his head to the other side of the bed,he saw his dream man sleeping beside him,"ahhhhh!" he screamed and woke up the sleeping beauty Logan.

"what are you doing here?" " i mean what am i doing here" he corrected himself as he remembered that he was in another person's house,but instead of answering him,Logan frowned at him and went back to sleep.

"hey wake up,why am i naked? Ahh....you took my virginity? damn it ! not in this manner" Mark kept blabbing,until Logan finally said something.

"can you just shut up?? i want to sleep besides it was a great deal taking care of you last night,so allow me rest"

'taking care of me last night?? so my guess is right he did something to me last night,i must ask him to take responsibility for me,it's an opportunity?' Mark said inwardly " *clears this throat* you will have to take responsibility of me for what happened,do not worry i will tell no one" Mark looked at Logan and a visible shock expression could be seen on his face "why are you surprised? or you didn't think i would forgive you and offer myself to you? ahh never mind it,i know you are a good person and won't leave me even after what we ehmmm...did last night."


*ring ring ri.....ng* Mark's phone suddenly rang again cutting short Logan from voicing out his own opinion,he came down from the bed and brought the phone to Mark who collected it and checked the dialer 'Mom!' he half screamed mentally.

"who is that?" Logan asked he saw the panic in Mark's face,

"My mom.....she'll definitely be waiting for me with a stick in her hand right now, i need...."

"pffft....hahahahaha" Logan laughed as he heard Mark complain " to think you are afraid of your mom so much makes me laugh hahahaha,how about i tell her i picked you up in front of a club last night drunk."

Mark pounced on him and held his hands in his as he pleaded " please don't,do not tell her or else i don't know what will happen,anything you wish for me to do,i will do it just don't let her know,please..." Mark please and pleaded until Logan agreed.

"but only one condition"Logan said raising one of his fingers in the air.

"what is it?" Mark asked with a resolve

"you will have to listen to what i say and do them,failure to comply...I'll have to tell her"


"no buts!! deal or not??"

"fine! it's a deal then" Mark poured and picked his phone to call back his mom.

"hello mo..."

"Mark!! where are you??? come home right now!" his mom shouted over the phone immediately she heard his voice.

"okay mom,I'm coming" Mark replied and ended the call,he looked at Logan for help but he was simply ignored,then stomping his feet he left to change his clothes.

"I'm done,I'll be going" Mark said as he stood before Logan already dressed.

"okay bye!" Logan simply answered

"wha.....aren't you dropping me, you should take care of me!?" Mark said frowning

"okay fine,go down I'll be there soon "Logan stood up and went to change his clothes while Mark just stood without leaving, " what again?,i said go..shuuu shuu!!" Logan pushed Mark lightly out of the bedroom and started changing his clothes,'that kid is something else' he said to himself and smiled.