
Chapter 21

"I...am in love with a guy" Mark blurted out and looked at his mom,he was surprised how calm she was,it wasn't what he was expecting from her, "Mom.....aren't you surprised or shocked" he asked her to be sure.

"Since when have you been a gay?" she asked her son who was shaking his head

"No I'm not gay.....i happened to fall in love with him"

"Hmmmm! who is the person?"

"Mom it's Logan...your boss" Mark replied and peeped to see the surprise look on his mother's face

"Wh....at ??! My boss?? " Helen was totally surprised, she never knew her son was now together with the top notch of their country

"Yes mom, I'm sorry mother....this is not what you want from me"

"...." Helen didn't say anything and just stared at the space

"Mom...please sa...say something to me,don't be silent "

'uhmmmmm' Helen sighed and turned to face her worried son " Mark i am your mother,i want the best for you because i love you.....i already knew you were a gay...."

"Since when mom" Mark was confused and surprised at what his mom said

"He is one of the reasons you decided to go to school right??" she asked him and he nodded "Hmm...quite disappointed that i am not the reason you decided to go to school,but well i am happy someone made you do so, that was when i guessed it son,I am not glad that you are gay or something but as a mother i need to stand by you in whatever decision you make in life,you are the only one i have in this life and i can't loose you for anything.....i will support your decision Mark" Mark stared at his mom and didn't know when he started crying,he quickly hugged her

" Mom 'sniffs' i am sorry, so sorry mom please", Helen hugged her son back and patted his back,she let him cry to his heart content and when he was done,she wiped his tears from his face and smiled "Son you shouldn't cry okay?? i am here for you!! i guess you were afraid of how i will feel and didn't bring him here,but don't let that bother you,when next you coming to see me,bring him okay?? i need to give you guys my blessings"

"Thank you mom"


" Logan you haven't told me why you came to my house that late last night" Dreg said as they were eating

"It's nothing....wait are you trying to say that i am no longer welcomed to come here whenever I feel like?" Logan said as he tried to twist everything

"No oh! i am not saying so,i was just saying that you came too late at night,and it could mean only one thing...Mark pissed you off and you left the house huh?!...what happened between you two?"

"You don't need to know the details since you know the reason,i will be going to work after breakfast and i need clothes to wear"

"Oh! fine,I'll go buy some clothes for you then"

Dreg left the house after the breakfast and came back with some clothes for Logan who took his bath,dressed up and left for the office,he got there late and went immediately to his office,his Secretary greeted him but he didn't reply and he knew something was off with his boss but he did not dare ask him,he quietly left the office and went back to his work. Logan heaved a sigh and stared out of the window lost in thought,minutes later his secretary reentered and saw his boss staring out of the window,he went closer to get his attention,

"Boss ,someone is here to see you!" he told his boss, Logan looked at him and kept quiet,his secretary swallowed hard and encouraged himself to talk again " Boss i said someone is here to se..."

"shut up and get out" Logan suddenly shouted making his secretary to shudder


"Log.....its me".