
Chapter 25

Logan drove to his brother's place,it was a five hours drive though tiring but it was preferably better than taking a flight and at the end of the day answer bunch of annoying useless questions from the reporters everywhere,it was not time for him to face them....,he got to the house and parked and went inside the house,there he saw his brother whose eyes were glued to the TV

"Bro,come watch the kiss scene,it's been played again" Lukas informed his brother without taking his eyes off the TV,Logan stared at his stupid brother for a while then picked up the remote and switched the TV off,his brother seeing this pouted and turned to face his brother

"Bro!!!! i was watch......."

"Shut up!and tell me why you want me here?" Logan going straight to the point asked his brother totally shutting him up from complaining any further,

"This is my house and he acts like he owns it hhmmph! "Lukas Mumbled to himself in annoyance

"What are you mumbling about?" Logan asked as he squinted his eyes on him

"nothing! anyway let's go down to business" Lukas said and Logan nodded!.."Who do you think you are suspecting....i mean do you have any body??"

Logan squinted his eyes as he ransacked his brain,thinking of the suspects,after a while he shook his head and Lukas sighed,if Logan doesn't have any one he suspects,it would be very hard for them to know who the culprit is.

"So you mean no one at all?" Lukas asked again for his brother to think again only to be eyed by him and he slumped his shoulders in disappointment "Fine!Fine!! but if you keep looking at me that way you won't get any help from me,trust me.......who has your office password?"

"My secretary" Logan answered

"mmmmmh,your secretary?? okay! who has access to your office security camera?" Lukas asked again making Logan confused and at the same time carrying so many thoughts in his mind

"My secretary of course....why?"

"Your secretary has access to your office password and the security cam don't you think he might be the one??.....hey!! don't look at me like that,give a thought about it and you will understand what I'm saying" Lukas said as he saw the way his brother was staring at him..Logan decided to think about it,his brother might be right after all who knows..."My secretary has access to the office and everything and he was also there the day i kissed Mark so is he......."

"BAM" Logan slammed his fist on the table and Lukas looked at him and shook his head in pity

"please ehh don't break my table,it's expensive okay?" he said not minding the anger boiling in his brother's heart at the moment.


Back at home...it was night and Mark and his mom where on the dining eating,although he wasn't enjoying the food because he was thinking about his lover,his mom noticed this and felt bad for her son but there was nothing she could do, after the dinner Mark went up to his room and took his showers after which he climbed to the bed to sleep,he was about to close his eyes when he got a call from Logan,he sighed and picked up the call..!


"Mark how are you?"Logan asked from the other side of the phone

"I'm not fine,you left without explaining anything to me,and you want me to be happy" Mark complained

*Signs* "Mark you won't understand okay? but don't worry when i come back tomorrow I'll tell you everything...just bear with me for now please" Logan pleaded

"Fine i will.....I'm sorry that i complain,it's just i miss you right now and i don't like seeing you upset,whatever the problem is,share with me okay?"

"I miss you too,and i will tell you everything tomorrow okay,go to bed early....goodnight Mark"

"Goodnight Logan" the call was ended and Mark laid back on the bed and slept off.

It was morning and Mark woke up from the call on his phone,he frowned his face at the sudden disturbance,he checked his phone,it was his friend Garin calling him and he hissed and dropped back the phone and went back to sleep but the continuous ringing of the phone couldn't let him sleep again and he angrily picked up the call!

"Hey!! its still early and you disturbing me?? why..what can't wait that you have to keep calling and calling me?" Mark angrily said

"Hey.....you now angry?!.....whatever it's not the main thing right now.....where are you? Garin asked

"At home...why??"

"Haven't you heard what happened to your man?"

"what happened to him?" Mark asked raising an eyebrow

"Your kiss scene with him at the office was uploaded yesterday and now its everywhere" Garin dropped the news

"What?? but how?"

"You are asking me??..I should be the one to do that...when you were busy kissing him at the office,you didn't know it would become like this huh?"


"You don't need to but! Logan's business is at stake,i passed by his office yesterday and you needed to see the crowd of reporters that were there,something has to be done or else.....hmm"

"I have to go and see him"


"The office" Logan told him he had business issues right?? fine he would go see him in the office

"You can't go there alone,there are so many reporters and who knows Logan might not be there,you should wait for him at home" Garin advised,he knew what the medias are capable of doing and he didn't want his friend to be their prey!

"I have to go,bye" Mark said and ended the call before Garin could say anything,he came down from the bed,took his showers and rushed out of the house without informing his mother who was still sleeping.