85 – The Great Struggle

"Shoot!!!" I gave orders.

Pif shot his arrow, and Lara followed. Meanwhile, Kat came forward with a torch to illuminate the body of the giant monster.

The two arrows hit one of the monster's eyes. It immediately stopped in its tracks, then stood on its two hind legs, probably from the incredible pain.

So, the weakness of this beast is the eyes. It was a stroke of luck for me, who chose that part at random.

"Rox, attack!" Running backward, Kat gave orders to her dog. Rox advanced at high speed and bit one of the monster's hind legs, right where Leva had slashed.

The giant stump scorpion scurried wildly to free the dog, but Rox was able to hold on to his bite, though his body swayed back and forth.

The combination of all of that was enough to give Leva time to fully stand up and look for her weapon. When she found the large machete a few meters away from her, the girl jumped and rolled over to get it faster.