140 – Trails in the Sky

Since there was no more snow, my colonists could get to their old homes faster. They only took three days.

"Maybe I should build a bridge here," Manu said as he helped Kat get Rix, their new horse, across the river. Meanwhile, Rex the white dog, can cross the water with ease.

Note, Manu. However, I'll order Eric to do it since he's the one more skilled at building something.

"Take it easy, boy." Kat tried to calm the horse, which was starting to move wildly. Perhaps this animal is not comfortable with the cold river water. It was even more challenging to do because there was quite a lot of stuff that Rix was carrying.

After a long struggle, they finally made it to the other side. However, Manu and Kat's clothes were already soaked by the horse's splashing water.

Then where is Seb? The blonde-haired man was already running scared. He probably thought the horse would be violent.