169 – Something Small that Kills Many

Several days have passed. Seb, Manu, and Sun could only lie in the house while still coughing.

Gwen checked the thermometer she had just used to check Sun. Thirty-nine degrees Celsius. I, who didn't really know much about health, knew that it was terrible. Compared to the others, Sun's condition was the worst. She was already struggling to breathe and was shivering.

"I'll be fine, won't I, Gwen?" Sun asked with trembling lips.

"Surely you will recover, Sun." Gwen gave a warm smile and rubbed that woman's forehead. "I'm going for a while, okay."

However, Sun caught Gwen's hand with tears in her eyes. "Please, don't leave me, Gwen. I'm scared."

Gwen, almost standing straight, froze for a moment, then flashed a big smile again. "Just a moment, Sun. I still have something to do."

The blonde woman gently let go of Sun's hand, then stood on two legs. Just as she turned around, she found Kat already standing a few feet from her, coughing too.
