209 – Crazy Love

"Looks like I'm late for this party, huh?" Leva came with her left hand hanging down and her right hand holding the machete. The abrasions on her body were barely visible, leaving only a few scars, which would eventually disappear altogether.

"How could that be? Why do you still look so healthy? I saw your fall…." Jia widened his eyes at Leva, but seconds later, the man chuckled. "Ah, you made a pact with the devil too, huh?"

Levi frowned. I can tell the meaning of Jia's words.

"Well, I got this power by being a good person." Leva shrugged, stopping near Miro, who was still sitting. "Hey, can you still fight, big man?"

"Yes. I can still fight." Miro caught his breath but never showed any sign of getting up.

"No, you can't fight anymore." Leva sneered, then looked at Eric, who seemed to be trying to get up. Seb's son's face was still covered in blood. "And Eric can't fight either."

"I can still fight." Miro persisted, and his body shuddered, but he still didn't get up.