"um guys" will said "what" jason and I said at the same time "we're surrounded" will replied as we looked around us to see zombies slowly walking toward us.
Xavier pulled out his sword and began to clear a path "let's go" he yelled as we began to follow him. "ugh I can't do this" ian yelled as he grabbed my brother "thank you for your sacrifice" he said then threw him toward a hoard of zombies.
"Nooooooooooo" I yelled reaching my arm out attempting to grab him but missing his hand just barely. suddenly shadows began to move the darkness in the shadows came out of it and cought my brother just before the zombies could touch him "come on" I yelled "yeah yeah don't rush me" Xavier replied.
as soon as he left the shadows embrace I began to use the shadows to get rid of the zombies. it was weird I didn't remember my power activate this early in my past life, but I guess that not important right now.
after I got rid of most of the zombies I turned to ian *heart rate 50%* my watch said as it began to glow yellow "this world will do much better without you" I said as I grabbed his arm and threw him to the remaining zombies.
"let's move before those things finish with him and come after us again" I said as Ian's screamed filled the store. everyone nodded and soon Ian's screams stopped echoing through the mall as we barley managed to get out of it.
"well I definitely didn't see that one coming" mae said out of breath from basically running out of the mall. "y-you just killed your own uncle" jason stuttered shocked "if I didn't he would've tried to kill more of us in the future" I replied "that isn't for you to decide you murderer" he snapped back "enough" Xavier said "I assume you guys have some sort of hideout?" xavier asked.
"yes follow me" will replied "smart bring a murderer with us" jason said just barely loud enough to hear. after about a 5 minute drive we made to the house they were apparently staying at. although it was definitely more of a mansion the a house in my opinion.
as we pulled into the horseshoe drive way the gates that had been opened closed and we parked the car in front of the huge mansion, then got out of the car. after a second of looking around will came over to us "impressive right mae was the one to find it" will said beginning to look around with us.
"yeah it's definitely big enough for the amount of survivors your group has plus another big group" I replied "I know right now c'mon let's go inside" he said gesturing to the front door.
when we walked in the front door I was greeted by ava jumping into me and hugging my waste "hey there ava" I said with a sight smile "I'm so glad your ok Cousin Mel" she said still hugging me "you know you don't have to put cousin infront of my name right?" I asked her "yeah" she responded then went and hugged Xavier. "wait where's my dad?" she asked releasing Xavier from her hug. for a moment there was awkward silence.
"sam, jason why don't you show Mel, Xavier and lena there rooms" will said quickly trying to change the subject "yeah come on" sam said pushing her brother and holding his mouth shut as he muffled words no one could understand.
we followed the 2 siblings upstairs and they first showed lena her room "jay why don't you show Mel her room and actually try to get along with her" sam said Suddenly as she dragged my brother to his room.
"follow me" jason said through clenched teeth, he led me to my room and open the door "I hope this isn't too small for you lady Mel" he said sarcastically "actually the correct way to say it would be lady Amelia but that's not the point" I replied "he was about to walk out and I sit on and grabbed his arm.
"listen I know you hate me that's pretty obvious but what you're blaming me for I didn't do" I said "yeah but you're the one that built the thing that killed my father" he said "I didn't know what my father actually wanted it for he told me a whole another reason and I believed him being his daughter I know my apology can't make up for that but I didn't do anything wrong" I replied.
"yeah whatever" he said then pulled his arm out of my grip and walked away. I sighed and sat down on the bed 'he's definitely a stubborn one' I thought to myself.
"um Mel sorry but can you come back down" will said after running running up to my room. "yeah what's the matter?" I asked confused "it seems so um some people here to see you" he said and I quickly ran downstairs to see who it was "they're still outside just look through the window" will said chasing after me.
I move the curtain and looked at the window and my jaw dropped and disbelief of who was there it was my ex-boyfriend and my ex best friend. Brandon and Alicia stood at the door waiting.
I quickly run around to the door and opened it. "how the hell did you two find me? I said as I slammed the door open "Mel we uh saw your card leaving the city and we followed it we lost you a while back and took a gamble on where you could have gone we're so glad we found you" Alicia said something happy.
"first of all you don't get to call me Mel, you call me Amelia second I don't want you to anywhere near me after what you did not unless you want me to kill you that is" I said looking up both of them straight in the eyes. "it's not what you think Mel" brandon said stepping forward.
when he did I welcomed him with a slap to the face "oh my God" I heard Sam laugh in the background. "we want to be in your group" Alicia said grabbing Brandon's shoulders to pull them back away from me.
"you can't be but if you would like to be in the other survival group that we will be traveling with you will have to ask them" I replied "it's up to you will" I said turning to will then walking away.
"would you mind if we joined your group sir?" Alicia asked sweetly. will it's back at me as if to get an answer. "that's up to you will they won't be in my group they'd be in yours you guys are just traveling with us" I said to him as an answer.
"well uh...." will said "maybe it would be ok for a while" he said "oh thank you so much" Alicia said excitedly. "but if you too cause any problems you're out you can survive on your own if you do" he said.
"I think that's a great idea" I said with a smile walking over to him "so don't cause any problems you too" I continued.