Vindictus headed straight to the tannery to find the player that he was going to turn into a seamstress. When he got there much like the last time, she was finishing up a piece. "Gossamer Lace that is another amazing piece of armor."
She jumped a little and then turned around and saw him. "Thank you, guild master. I have been working hard."
"Lace do you remember what we talked about last time we talked?"
"You mentioned about the class change and asked if I would be interested and you also asked me to design some clothing for you. I have some rough sketches for you to look at when you get a chance as well."
"You can send them to my link here now that they talk with the real world, I will forward it to my computer to take a good look at them. But I am here about the other thing." He pulled out the job change scroll that he got from the upgrade. "If you are still interested." He passed her the scroll.