They arrived back at the guild and realized that there was not a lot of time left before the update so there was not a lot of things that needed to be done. Vindictus quickly realized that this unexpected shutdown would hurt a few of his players if their budget was tight. He quickly sent out a message that all gold miners would be able to get to come to the bank and draw two days' worth of income without having to turn in the gold. It could be considered as a bonus or even hazard pay to them. It would not hurt his budget and it would make the players in the guild feel better about working here. There was a lot of cheering and even calls of Vindictus for president on the guild chat. He laughed and went back to finishing up the last few things that he needed to take care of.

Frigid walked into his office. "Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Of course. Unless you need to cancel because you got a better offer."