Vindictus headed for the administrative area of the capitol while Frigid headed for the banking area. These two were actually separate as the administration of the capitol had almost no impact on the economy as most of it was based on the actions of the players. She was going to spend a huge amount of real money slowly as to not attract to much attention while he went to set some people up to make him even more money. That was when an idea hit him and he did not go towards the administrative area but to the market area as well. He went straight to the auction house.
The young NPC was a little intimidated when he walked in. "How can I help you sir?"
"Your big auction is tomorrow, correct?"
"Yes, sir it is."
"Is it to late to add something to it?"
"I am not where near high enough in the company to answer that question. Please allow me to go and get the manager for tomorrows auction and they can better assist you."