"What was that about?" Abby had held this question until the end of the conversation.

"Based on the new policy they are trying to push through I am not sure that you and the rest of the Callahan family would be safe. Once it can get linked back you will become targets of everybody that has a little bit of greed in them. They will play all kinds of dirty tricks to get you into trouble to try and get paid. The AI will do what it can but there is always the court of public opinion."

"Soo, they will do something and cause us to retaliate and then only show part of the video and only take it down when we have paid them enough money. I see. I had never really thought about this. Mr. Arnold is taking care of it for you then?"

"I assumed that he was the person who knew who to reach out to, to get it taken care of."

"That is a safe bet. He knows everything in the family. As long as the leader of the family has him to fall back on nothing could go wrong."