Izak woke up and kissed the cuddled-up Abby on the head. She had come in, in the middle of the night and climbed into bed with him. Something about not being able to sleep. He just held her a little closer and then slid out of bed and went to his computer. He checked all of the email and saw a bunch from last night. It was a bunch of new contracts with his workshop on them as well as the confirmation that his workshop was up and running, legally in accordance with the government and the AI.
Izak read over everything and realized had went above and beyond during the night. The had not only worked out who was doe what but it was also broken down by the section that they were working for. All the miners and then the core teams. It also showed the guild master and the vice leader's salary and he was not really happy about it. The previous contracts were all incentive based and with almost nothing as a base.