After a once over to make sure that everyone was in top shape, they party entered the second dungeon. As soon as they stepped in the wind was whipping around like crazy. There were also flashes of lightning in the distance. "I have a feeling that this is going to be a lightning dungeon and we no not have any resistance potions for that so make sure that you do your best to avoid any direct strikes. Lupin I recommend you try to get shocked as much as possible."
The wolf danced around like it was being given a treat. They party looked ahead and saw that there were a series of paths through chest high vegetation. This was going to be a tricky dungeon without a scout class. The companions could help out some but this was going to be a hard floor to deal with. They would have loved to have a scout with them but Vindictus did not think to bring one along. He should have but it was to late to bring one along now.