Vindictus stayed in the zone until he heard the door open behind him and only when he was at a good point on the leather that he was making did he stop and look up. There were ten people standing in the door way. "Wow, I was not expecting that big of an audience. How can I help you guys this evening?"
Frigid stepped to the side. "I am just here to hang out after the dungeon like we talked about."
Take stepped forward. "You told me to stop by and I am only following orders."
Flame stepped up behind him. "I am just keeping him company."
GF and RWD were there as well. "I made something for you." He walked forward and pulled out a beautiful set of swords. They were some of the best that he had even seen. Just a few modifications and he could have legendary weapons. They only lacked the proper enchantments and gems.