Armageddon could not believe it. They had all assumed that Vindictus was using his pets to fight the others off in the previous dungeons but he had just completely destroyed him. It did not appear to be a challenge for him. How could this happen? How could everything fall apart so fast. He was expecting to respawn back in the capitol where he was linked when suddenly the area that he was in went pitch black and he was floating in the air. A block appeared in front of him.

'The AI has discovered that you have used illegal hacking software to try to boost the level of your character. This is in direct violations of the user agreement contract that you signed upon entry. It is also clearly outlined in the user's manual. Given the severity of the breech and the huge bonus that you tried to obtain you are given a ten-year ban. This is not linked to the character Armageddon, which has been reset to level zero but to the biometric data that is linked to this account.