The couple spent the rest of the evening talking and planning a few things for the future and let the nurses and doctors take care of what they needed to take care of. Izak was starting to hurt and took another dose of his pain killers and drifted off to sleep. Abby moved to the couch and covered up as well. She was just starting to get comfortable when Jacob walked in. He provided her with a nice pillow and a nice heavy blanket that she preferred.

"Thank you, Jacob." She snuggled in deep and drifted off to sleep.

"Of course, ma'am."

Izak woke up in the night in considerable pain and gave himself a once over to make sure that he had not torn something while he was sleeping. When everything looked fine, he was about to hit the button to get more medicine but he realized that it was getting close to sunrise. He did not want to spend the entire morning passed out again. He hit the call button and right away a nurse came in.