Apostle Crusade

Upon hearing Lu Yuan's suggestion, Solaka and Rogge thought about it carefully before agreeing to it.

"You're right. Since the Princess has issued an arrest warrant for the Apostle, she will agree if we explain the situation to her," Rogge said as he looked at Lu Yuan and Solaka.

"Well, if we can borrow the strength of the empire, then the chances of us destroying the Apostle will be much higher," Solaka said, then turned to Lu Yuan and said, "Kid, the task of reporting to the Princess and convincing her is up to you."

[Solaka has issued a hidden mission to you -- seek help from the Princess.]

[Mission Requirements]: Explain to the Princess that the recent monster riot was controlled by Hernas' Apostles, and convince the Princess to help, thus obtaining the help of the Empire.

[Mission Rewards]: 1000 EXP, 10 gold coins, 10 reputation points, one bottle of purple grade recovery potion.

[Mission Failure]: Reputation points -10, gold coins -10.