The Perfect Lineup of the Royal Family Experts

As they encountered the first boss-level monster, the experts increased their speed in dealing with the monsters. They could not afford to be delayed by these monsters for too long. Otherwise, if the apostle completely absorbed the power of the Heart of Frost, they would be finished!

As the battle continued, the Frost Worship Grounds continued to tremble and dust dropped. Suddenly, a boss-level monster appeared in front of everyone. Just as the Royal Family's experts were about to join forces to kill it, another three boss-level monsters appeared behind this boss-level monster!

"Everyone, be careful! There are a total of four boss-level monsters!"Lu Yuan reminded everyone. Then, he immediately hid at the back of the party.

The perfect line-up of the Royal Family experts immediately attacked again. It was still the warrior and knight at the front while the archer attacked from the back.