Eliminating the Demon Squad

"The demons actually invaded the territory of our Jinyao City. Then let them experience the divine might of our Jinyao City's Knight!" Nick said angrily.

Then, Nick looked at Lu Yuan and said, "I wonder if you have the courage to face the powerful demon soldiers?"

"Of course, highly respected, Holy Knight Mr. Nick. I will personally go out and kill the demons!" Lu Yuan said to Nick with a look of resolution.

Nick nodded his head in satisfaction at Lu Yuan's response. Then, he said, "Well, as a knight, you should be full of courage! I think you are already a qualified Knight!"

[ Nick has a hidden mission for you -- destroy the demon squad that has invaded Jinyao City ]

[ mission requirements] : Go with Jinyao Knights to destroy the demon teams that invade Jinyao City!

[ mission rewards ] : EXP +2,500, reputation points +200, gold coin(s)+3, Nick's favoribility +200, acquired skill Knight Holy Light!