Head Snatcher

Guan Yue's dagger was about to cut into Engels' neck.

But a dark red rune instantly lit up from Engels' neck to block Guan Yue's attack.

Engels knew how powerful Guan Yue's concealment ability was. From the moment Guan Yue disappeared, he had been carefully guarding against Guan Yue.

The moment Guan Yue appeared, he sensed Guan Yue's aura.

When Engels' sensed that Guan Yue had appeared, Engels immediately activated a rune onto her neck to prevent her from using this move.

After Guan Yue missed, Engels began to go crazy.

The blood aura around his body surged crazily like violent waves on the sea.

Moreover, the path in the sea of blood that Lu Yuan had broken through was once again filled with blood fog.

At this time, Engels' territory was made whole again.

"Damn, Engels is really difficult to deal with!" Lu Yuan cursed angrily.

At this moment, a blood blade suddenly slashed towards him.