Conjoined Metal

Seeing that Lu Yuan had directly told him the truth and revealed his Demon Wings, Baz nodded his head in satisfaction. Lu Yuan did not hide anything, which made Baz happy.

Baz nodded at Lu Yuan and said, "You did very well! Next is your third mission!"

"Damn it, there's more! "Lu Yuan cursed in his heart

Baz said to Lu Yuan, "I'm willing to teach you Eternal Sea Dharma regardless of whether you complete this third mission or not."

"Actually, it's not really a mission..."

"This task is to let Barton walk out of his past and let him face his life!"

"Of course, I've tried to persuade him to let go of the past, but he won't listen to me."

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that you can do it, so you should go and give it a try!"

"Since you can get him to write you a recommendation letter, then I believe that you can also make him to move forward!"