The Thunder Eel General Yale

Lu Yuan was helpless. He still couldn't escape the fate of having to finish the missions!

Picker pointed at the thunder clouds in the distance and said to Lu Yuan, "My Sea-suppressing Tower corresponds to the Lightning Eel Race!"

"Do you see the thunder clouds in the distance?"

Lu Yuan nodded.

Then Picker said, "The sea below belongs to the territory of our Eternal Sea City, and now a thunder cloud has appeared in the territory of our Eternal Sea City!"

"That means the Lightning Eel Race has entered our territory!"

"Your first mission is to drive them away, but I have to remind you that they have at least a general level!"

"Do you dare to go?"

[ The Eternal Sea Guardian, Picker, has issued a hidden mission to you -- drive away the lightning eel Race that has entered the territory of our city. ]

[ Mission requirement(s) ]: drive away lightning eel Race that has entered the territorial sea of Eternal Sea City!