Everything Is Ready. All That Is Left Is Ida

[Bick, the Eternal Sea Guardian, has issued a covert mission to you -- Kill the person who set up the formation Instantly.]

[Mission requirement]: Find the right time and kill instantly when the person sets up the formation and is about to activate the formation!]

[Mission reward]: Experience gained 4,500, Reputation Points increased by 200, Gold Coins increased by 500, Bick's favourability increased by 2O0, obtained one of the seven ultimate skills of the Eternal Sea City: The Eternal Sea Seventeen Flashes!]

[Mission failure]: Experience decreased by 5,500, Reputation Points dropped by 300, Gold Coins reduced by 600, Bick's favourability reduced by 300. No longer continue learning the seven ultimate skills of Eternal Sea City!

[Mission duration]: Unlimited!

Lu Yuan looked at the mission rewards and penalties. Good grief!

The penalty for this mission failure was ruthless. Lu Yuan could not continue learning the seven ultimate skills!